
The LexItem represents a lexical item, which can be either a token or a semantic tag. It contains information about the item, such as its stage, confidence, match, flags, text, positions, metadata, display, entities, components, and tags.

LexItem Properties

stageStage namestring
confidenceConfidence assigned to this itemnumber
matchOriginal text covered by this LexItemstring
flagsList of flagsarray of strings
textText representation or value assigned to this LexItemstring
startPosStart position in charactersinteger
endPosEnd position in charactersinteger
metadataAdditional data assigned to this LexItem, either manually or by processobject
displayDisplay value assigned to the LexItemstring
entitiesList of entities assigned to this tagarray of Entity objects
componentsContainer of the LexItem, indicating the items it could be composed ofComponents object
tagsList of tags to identify in the textarray of strings


The Vertex object represents a split route in the graph, leading to alternative routes. It contains information about the vertex, such as its stage, confidence, match, flags, text, positions, and metadata.

Vertex Properties

stageStage namestring
confidenceConfidence assigned to this itemnumber
matchOriginal text covered by this Vertexstring
flagsList of flagsarray of strings
textText representation or value assigned to this Vertexstring
startPosStart position in charactersinteger
endPosEnd position in charactersinteger
metadataAdditional data assigned to this Vertex, either manually or by processobject


The Entity class represents the entities that could come inside a LexItem. It contains information about the entity, such as its display value, patterns, ID, fields, and tags.

Entity Properties

displayDisplay value assigned to the entitystring
patternsPatterns associated with the entityarray of strings
idID of the entity for business use (not necessarily unique)string
fieldsAdditional data for this entityobject
tagsList of hierarchical tags assigned to this entityarray of strings


The Components object represents a container of LexItems. It defines the composition of a LexItem by specifying the LexItems it can be composed of.

Components Properties

lexItemsList of LexItems that can compose the current LexItemarray of LexItem objects
  • No labels