This tool facilitates the creation of UI elements. It has a large variety of UI options and great amount of customizations.


At the moment, DXF is only used by some elements of the Lucene Pipeline Stage.

This functionality will be extended and used in more features in the future.

Understanding the UI

The DXF Playground has 2 major tabs, the sandbox and the palette, which are located on the top right part of the screen.


The SandBox tab has the configuration of each UI element that can be created by the Playground.

To the left is where the user can manage and customize each element, while the right is a preview of those elements and how they will look.

The 3 buttons on the bottom:  can copy the configuration,  to render the elements to see how they look on production, and the  which opens a new window showing the current configuration. 


The Palette has 2 functionalities, the DXF Samples and the Validations.

The Samples is a previewer for each dxf element on the configuration back on the SandBox tab. The button refreshes in case of any change back on the SandBox tab.

The Validations has more functionality, where the user can actually type data and test each element to see how the result of the dxf element will be.

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