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When deploying Aspire in a Kubernetes cluster.


The current guide assumes that a Elasticsearch/Kibana services have already been deployed, and basic authentication is used.

See ECK quickstart on how to deploy Elasticsearch / Kibana on Kubernetes.

If using HTTPS on elasticsearch, make sure the certificate is signed by a Trusted CA, otherwise you would need to have access to its CA certificate, and import it into a JKS for Aspire to trust. See Enable HTTPS for instructions on how to import a certificate authority.

For AWS Elasticsearch configuration see Elasticsearch NoSQL Provider Properties.

Step-by-step guide

Deploy Elasticsearch and Kibana.

(Skip these steps if you already have an Elasticsearch cluster for Aspire to use). The current guide is based on ECK quickstart

  1. Install custom resource definitions

    kubectl create -f
    kubectl apply -f
  2. Deploy Elasticsearch cluster (single node)
    1. Create a file called elasticsearch.yaml

      kind: Elasticsearch
        name: quickstart
        version: 7.9.2
        - name: default
          count: 1

    2. Deploy the Elasticsearch cluster

      kubectl apply -f elasticsearch.yaml
  3. Obtain Basic Authentication password
    1. The password will be stored in the environment variable called "PASSWORD"

      PASSWORD=$(kubectl get secret quickstart-es-elastic-user -o go-template='{{.data.elastic | base64decode}}')
  4. Deploy Kibana cluster
    1. Create a file called kibana.yaml

      kind: Kibana
        name: quickstart
        version: 7.9.2
        count: 1
          name: quickstart
    2. Deploy Kibana

      kubectl apply -f kibana.yaml
  5. Expose Kibana's port locally

    kubectl port-forward service/quickstart-kb-http 5601
  6. Browse to Kibana at https://localhost:5601/ (HTTPS warnings will appear on the browser due to the self-signed certificates elasticsearch and kibana generates)
    1. Log in using username "elastic" and the password obtained at step #3.

Deploy Aspire 5

  1. (Optional) Upload Kibana Dashboards
  2. Create kubernetes secret for connecting to SCA docker registry
  3. Create Aspire ConfigMap
  4. Upload License and Settings to Elasticsearch
  5. Deploy Managers
  6. Deploy Workers
  7. Expose Manager port
  8. Browse to Aspire Admin UI

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