
Salesforce API request limitation

There is a request limitation in Salesforce API. Connector will give following error in case it occurs.

ERROR [/salesforce001/Main/Scanner]: SalesforceDSConnection.MaximumRetriesExceeded: 

[UnexpectedErrorFault [ApiFault  exceptionCode='REQUEST_LIMIT_EXCEEDED' exceptionMessage='TotalRequests Limit exceeded.'

Please see more information at,

ACL related limitations

  1. When there is a removal of sharing for a item (e.g removing sharing of an account) will not reflect in the incremental crawl.
  2. Pricebook sharing ACLs are not supported.
  3. We are only supporting Tasks those are based on accounts for incremental crawling.

Save your content source before creating or editing another one

Failing to save a content source before creating or editing another content source can result in an error.

ERROR [aspire]: Exception received attempting to get execute component command Unable to find content source

Save the initial content source before creating or working on another.

Detailed discussion on crawling

For a discussion on crawling, see here

Advanced Topics

Getting WSDL File and Generate Jar

Describes the steps necessary to get the Enterprise WSDL of your Salesforce server and generate the jar file.

Getting User Security Token

Describes the steps necessary to get the Salesforce User Security Token.

Create the Chatter App

Describes the steps necessary to create a Salesforce Chatter App and get its Consumer and Secret Key.

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