Do you plan to have MongoDB and Aspire installed on the same machine?

Both Aspire and MongoDB are high memory consuming applications. Consider limiting the RAM they can allocate by looking into the MongoDB storage engine configuration and setting the Wired Tiger Cache size appropriately.

More Info:

For example, on a 32GB server, the Aspire Memory allocation should be limited to 16GB, Wired Tiger Cache to 8GB and the remaining RAM will be used for the other MongoDB processes and the OS.

Do you plan to assign more than 32GB of RAM to your Aspire Distribution?

JVM changes the pointers' size after 32GB, doubling them and affecting your RAM storage. More info here.

Our recommendation is to try to stay below the 32GB limit.

Do you plan to run your Aspire Distribution on Linux with a user other than root?

The number of available threads/processes and open files are unlimited just for the root user. If you plan to set another user, check that the limits on both numbers. Check here for more information on how to do this.

Recommended limit is 64000 for both open files and processes.

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