Beginning with release 4.0, Aspire encryption tasks are managed with a plug-able provider. Clients can now have their own encryption methods if they wish to do so, by providing an implementation and configuring the settings file accordingly.

A default encryption provider is configured with the Aspire installation; additional configuration is only required if a different provider is to be used.

Default configuration:

  <!-- Encryption Provider configuration -->
    Maven coordinates of the encryption provider, 
    default is "" 
    The following properties are needed if the password manager is going to be used,
    tipically, if a master key is to be defined. To use this you will need a copy
    of the encryption provider implementation jar. It also has to match the one 
    defined in the "implementation" property.
    <!-- Name of the jar with the encryption provider implementation -->
    <!-- Folder that contains the encryption provider implementation -->
    <!-- Name of the the class that implements the encryption provider -->
    <!-- masterKeyFilePath>/config/security/master.key</masterKeyFilePath-->
    <!-- Master key path relative to aspire home if one is to be used -->

Configuration parameters

implementationThe maven coordinates to the new encryption provider implementation
jarNameThe name of the jar with the new encryption provider implementation. Only needs to be configured if the password manager is going to be used.
jarPathThe directory where the new encryptionn provider jar was deployed. Only needs to be configured if the password manager is going to be used.
classNameThe name of the new encrypton provider implementation class. Only needs to be configured if the password manager is going to be used.
masterKeyFilePathPath (including file name) where  master key is located or is going to be generated by the password manager. Only needs to be configured if the password manager is going to be used.


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