The FAST query builder is designed to take a query in Search Technologies' query processing language (QPL - Introduction to QPL) and transform it into FQL. The FQL is then written in to the Aspire document associated with the Job.

FAST Query Builder (Aspire 2)
Factory Name com.searchtechnologies.aspire:aspire-fast-qpl
subType builder
Inputs A Job variable
Outputs An element in the AspireObject associated with the Job


Element Type Default Description jobVariable String qpl The name of the job variable that holds the QPL to be transformed to FQL. fqlPath String /doc/query The path to the element in the Aspire document where the FQL should be written.

Example Configuration


 <component subType="builder" name="QueryBuilder" factoryName="aspire-fast-qpl"/>


 <component subType="builder" name="QueryBuilder" factoryName="aspire-fast-qpl">
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