Salesforce connector features:
The Salesforce connector retrieves several types of documents, listed below are the inclusions and exclusions of these documents.
The connector receives a file with SOQL queries for each of the object types to crawl. The metadata of the objects types will depend on the specified query for each type. For example, if the query for Lead looks like this:
SELECT Id, IsDeleted, MasterRecordId, LastName, FirstName, SystemModstamp, Name FROM Lead
Fields like Id, SystemModstamp, Username and Name are mandatory and need to be specified in the queries for each object type to crawl
Due to API constraints, the Salesforce connector has the following limitations:
There is a daily request limit in Salesforce API. If this occurs, the following error will be displayed.
ERROR [/salesforce001/Main/Scanner]: SalesforceDSConnection.MaximumRetriesExceeded: [UnexpectedErrorFault [ApiFault exceptionCode='REQUEST_LIMIT_EXCEEDED' exceptionMessage='TotalRequests Limit exceeded.'
Please see more information at API rate metering.
2. Security and incremental related limitations
3. Salesforce Compatibility limitation
Every 3 months, Salesforce releases a new version of their API, and they sometimes introduce changes to the data structures. In this case, the compatibility between the connector and Salesforce might break.