This section describes the Configuration for Connection used by the Salesforce Seeds.

Step 1. Open the Aspire Admin UI.

Browse to the Aspire Admin UI. It is typically located at http://localhost:50505.

Step 2. Select the Connection option from the left-hand menu.

The “Connection” option, identified by a “connection” image, is located on the left side of the application, between the “Credentials” and “Connector Instances” options. Click on it to navigate to the “Connection” page.

Step 3. Specify Connection Description and Type.

Once on the “Connection” page, click on the “+New” option to create a new Connection or select an existing one to modify it.

  • Description: specify a description for the Connection. It is advised for it to be concise and meaningful.
  • Type: select “Salesforce” as the type for the Connection.

Step 4. Specify Connection General information.

Once the type has been selected, you will be presented with the “General” section of the “Connection” page. Here, you need to enter the following information for the Connection:

  • Salesforce Host: the Salesforce server you are going to connect to.
  • Authentication Endpoint: the number of elements per page to be retrieved with the connection.
  • API Version: if enabled, a crawl will stop when a scan error is found.
  • Query Batch Size: This value is for pagination of the results.
  • Connection Pool: Connection pool settings.

    • Idle Connection Timeout: Maximum time (in milliseconds) to keep an idle connection open.
    • Max Connections: Maximum number of connections to be opened.
    • Connections per Target: Maximum number of connections opened for the same target.
  • Timeout Settings: Connection pool timeout settings.
    • Connection Timeout: Maximum time (in milliseconds) to wait for the connection.
    • Socket Timeout: Maximum time (in milliseconds) to wait for a socket response.
  • Connection Throttling: Enable to specify Throttling Settings
    • Throttling Period: Period (in milliseconds) to throttle the connection.
    • Max Connections per Period: Maximum number of connections used during the Throttling Period.
  • Retries:
    • Maximum Retries: Maximum number of retries for a failed document.
    • Retry Delay: Period (in milliseconds) to wait before a retry.
  • Proxy Settings: enable to use a proxy to get access to Salesforce server.
    • Proxy Host: the address of the proxy to be used.
    • Proxy Port: the port of the proxy to be used.
    • Schema: The schema for the proxy (HTTP/HTTPS)
  • Use Authentication
    • Username: Username for authentication to the proxy server
    • Password: Password for authentication to the proxy server

Step 5. Specify Credentials.

The “Credentials” section is located between the “General” section and the “Policies” section of the “Connection” page. Here, you have to select a set of previously created Salesforce Credentials to be used from the Credentials combo box.

Step 6. Specify scope.

Here, you could specify include patterns for specific items to be crawled, or exclude pattern to ignore items. Please use the document URL for the pattern.

Step 7. Specify Policies (Optional).

The “Policies” section is the last section, located right below the “Credentials” section of the “Connection” page:

  • Throttle Policy: here, you can select a previously created Throttling Policy from the Throttle Policy combo box.
  • Route Policy: here, you can select a previously created Routing Policy from the Route Policy combo box.

Step 7. Save the Connection.

Click on the “Complete” button to save the new Connection (when updating, the button option will read “Save” instead of “Complete”).

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