This section describes the Configuration for Salesforce Seeds and how to run a crawl for them.

Step 1. Open the Aspire Admin UI.

Browse to the Aspire Admin UI. It is typically located at http://localhost:50505.

Step 2. Select the Seed option from the left-hand menu.

The “Seed” option, identified by a “seed” image , is located on the left side of the application, just above the “Workflows” option. Click on it to navigate to the “Seed” page.

Step 3. Specify Connection Description and Type.

Once on the “Seed” page, click on the “+New” option to create a new Seed or select an existing one to modify it.

  • Description: specify a description for the Seed. It is advised for it to be concise and meaningful.
  • Type: select “Salesforce” as the type for the Seed.

Step 4. Specify the Queries.

Once the type has been selected, you will be presented with the “Queries” section of the “Seed” page. Here you need to set the following options for this section of the Seed. If no options are modified, default values are used:

  • Use Queries File : if enabled, use a file for queries.
    • Use Local Query File: Check to specify a local file, or disable to specify an uploaded resource file.
    • If the Use queries File option is not selected, you will need to add the individual queries. For instance, Account=SELECT Id, IsDeleted, MasterRecordId, Name, Type, ParentId, BillingStreet, Parent.Name, Owner.Name, CreatedBy.Name, LastModifiedBy.Name FROM Account (the name of the query and the name of the table should be the same).

Step 5. Specify if Crawl Standard Objects (Optional)

If checked, only Standard Objects configured in the Queries section will be fetched.

Step 6. Specify if Crawl Knowledge Articles (Optional)

 If checked, Fetch KnowledgeArticles in the Queries section.

    • Salesforce Knowledge Article Types: If true, you can select if you want to crawl all article states (Draft, Published and Archived) or only one or two.
    • Type of Knowledge Article
      • Generic: Choose Generic for fetching Only standard data
      • Specific Types: In case you want specific custom types of Articles. For example: Custom_kav

Step 7. Specify General Configuration.

    • Activate the TLS 1.1 and 1.2: Choose the option, if you need the TLS 1.1 and 1.2 for new versions of Salesforce.
    • Add ACLs: if enabled, the ACLs will be included in the documents. 
    • Fetch Attachments: if enabled, knowledge articles' attachments will be crawled.
      • Include or Exclude Attachments Using Patterns: enable to allow filtering by using include/exclude patterns for articles' attachments.
        • Include Patterns: the patterns to be used to include attachments for the crawl.
        • Exclude Patterns: the patterns to be used to exclude attachments from the crawl. 
    • Patterns for Objects: if enabled, patterns for Standard Objects or Articles could be applied.
      • Include Patterns: the patterns to be used to include objects for the crawl using its name.
      • Exclude Patterns: the patterns to be used to exclude objects for the crawl using its name. 

Step 8. Specify a Connector.

The “Connector” section is located between the “Catalog Items and Attachments” section and the “Connection” section of the “Seeds” page. Here, you must select a previously created Salesforce Connector for the Seed, from the Connector combo box.

Step 9. Specify a Connection.

The “Connection” section is located between the “Connector” section and the “Workflows” section of the “Seeds” page. Here, you must select a previously created Salesforce Connection for the Seed, from the Connection combo box.

Step 10. Specify Workflows (Optional).

The “Workflows” section is located between the “Connection” section and the “Tag” section of the “Seeds” page. Here, you can select previously created Workflows that apply to the seed. If no workflow is specified, a default workflow is assigned.

Step 11. Specify a Tag (Optional).

The “Tag” section is located between the “Workflows” section and the “Policies” section of the “Seeds” page. Here you can, if desired, specify a tag for seeds filtering.

Step 12. Specify Policies (Optional).

The “Policies” section is the last section, located right below the “Tag” section of the “Seeds” page:

  • Throttle Policy: here, you can select a previously created Throttling Policy from the Throttle Policy combo box.
  • Route Policy: here, you can select a previously created Routing Policy from the Route Policy combo box.

Step 13. Save the Seed.

Click on the “Complete” button to save the new Seed (when updating, the button option will read “Save” instead of “Complete”).

Step 14. Running the crawl.

To run a crawl for a Salesforce Seed, click on the button for the seed you want to run and select Full, Incremental or Identity Crawl. This will start the chosen crawl for your seed.