The workflow API provides functionality that allows a administrator to perform actions such as adding and configuring workflow

Get all workflows

Lists all the workflows configured in the Aspire, this endpoint need the at least the OPERATOR role to be executed.

GET /aspire/_api/workflows

Pagination query string parameters

Sorting query string parameters

Query String Parameters

sparsebooleanOptionalOnly return minimal data such as identifier, description, name etc

Get all workflows, filtered

Lists workflows configured in the Aspire, filtered by a specified criteria, this endpoint need the at least the OPERATOR role to be executed.


  "workflow": [{
    "id": "AAABcID5GBc=",
    "description": "Publish to Elasticsearch",
    "id": "AAABcIueWUc=",
    "description": "Normalise data",

Status: 200

Get a single workflow

Get information about a single workflow in Aspire, this endpoint need the at least the OPERATOR role to be executed.

GET /aspire/_api/workflows/:id

Path Parameters

idstringRequiredThe id of the workflow to return

Query String Parameters

transformbooleanOptionalWhether to transform the output.  Default "false"
sectionstringOptionalThe section required for the output. The value can be "templates", "rules", "events"


  "workflow": {
    "id": "AAABcID5GBc=",
    "description": "Publish to Elasticsearch",

Status: 200, 404

Add single workflow

Adds a single workflow to Aspire, this endpoint need the at least the ADMINISTRATOR role to be executed.

POST /aspire/_api/workflows

Body Parameters

descriptionstringRequiredA description of the workflow

Query String Parameters


Accepted values are: "connector" and "service"

If connector is set the workflow created with the following events will be created:

  • onScan
  • onAddUpdate
  • onDelete
  • onPublish
  • onError

If service is set the workflow will be created without events.


POST /aspire/_api/workflows?type=connector
  "description": "Publish to Elastic"


  "workflow": {
    "id": "AAABcID5GBc=",
    "description": "Publish to Elastic",
    "type": "connector"

Status: 200, 406

Update workflows, filtered

Update connectors configured in the Aspire, filtered by a specified criteria, this endpoint need the at least the ADMINISTRATOR role to be executed.

PUT /aspire/_api/workflows/updateAll

Common filter

Update body parameter


  "message": "update result response message"

Status: 200, 406

Delete multiple workflows, filtered

Delete multiple workflows from Aspire, filtered by a specified criteria, this endpoint need the at least the ADMINISTRATOR role to be executed.

POST /aspire/_api/workflows/deleteAll

Common filter


  "message": "delete result response message"

Status: 200, 404, 406

Delete workflow(s)

Delete one or more workflows from Aspire, this endpoint need the at least the ADMINISTRATOR role to be executed.

DELETE /aspire/_api/workflows/:id

DELETE /aspire/_api/workflows

POST /aspire/_api/workflows/delete

Path Parameters and Query parameters

idstringRequiredThe identifier(s) of the workflow(s) to delete

Body Parameter

idsstringRequiredThe identifier(s) of the workflow(s) to delete


DELETE /aspire/_api/workflows/AAABcID5GBc

DELETE /aspire/_api/workflows?id=AAABcID5GBc&id=AAABcID5GBd

POST /aspire/_api/workflows/delete


  "message": "delete result response message"

Status: 200, 404, 406

Get a workflow event

Get a event from a workflow in Aspire, this endpoint need the at least the OPERATOR role to be executed.

GET /aspire/_api/workflows/:id/:eventId

Path Parameters

idstringRequiredThe identifier of the workflow(s) to return
eventIdstringRequiredThe identifier of the event to get


  "workflow": {
    "id": "AAABcIueWUc=",
    "description": "Publish to Elasticsearch"
    "event": {
      "id": "onUpdate"

Status: 200, 404, 406

Get workflow events

Get a event from a workflow in Aspire, this endpoint need the at least the OPERATOR role to be executed.

GET /aspire/_api/workflows/:id

Path Parameters

idstringRequiredThe identifier of the workflow(s) to return


    "workflow": {
        "id": "72022651-c2f4-45a9-9e18-2b0ace529cda",
        "type": "connector",
        "description": "Test Workflow",
        "checksum": "2b8dc08a2da838304528b4695109e2379da9a670c5a195dcd27355e8daa20a8b",
        "events": {
            "event": [
                    "id": "onScan"
                    "id": "onAddUpdate"
                    "id": "onDelete"
                    "id": "onPublish",
                    "item": {
                        "id": "404fefb7-b7f4-48cf-a7b1-81872587a85b",
                        "type": "reference",
                        "ruleId": "5d1273b8-9dc0-4f6d-89f3-fe6f331a6067",
                        "enabled": true
                    "id": "onError"
                    "id": "onIdentity"
                    "id": "onIdentityError"

Status: 200, 404, 406

Create workflow event(s)

Create one or more workflow events in Aspire, this endpoint need the at least the ADMINISTRATOR role to be executed.

PUT /aspire/_api/workflows/:id

PUT /aspire/_api/workflows/:id/:eventId

Path Parameters

idstringRequiredThe identifier of the workflow(s) to add a event to
eventIdstringRequiredThe identifier of the event to add


Create multiple events (body parameter)

  "id": "scan"
  "id": "addUpdate"


  "workflow": {
    "id": "AAABcIueWUc=",
    "description": "Publish to Elasticsearch"
    "event": {
      "id": ["scan", "addUpdate"]

Status: 200, 404, 406

Delete a workflow event

Delete a workflow event from Aspire, this endpoint need the at least the ADMINISTRATOR role to be executed.

DELETE /aspire/_api/workflows/:id/:eventId

Path  Parameters

idstringRequiredThe identifier of the workflow(s) to use
eventIdstringRequiredThe identifier of the event to delete


  "message": "delete result response message"

Status: 200, 404, 406

Create a workflow event item

Create a workflow event item - a rule, condition and the like, this endpoint need the at least the ADMINISTRATOR role to be executed.

POST /aspire/_api/workflows/:id/:eventId/:type

Path Parameters

idstringRequiredThe identifier of the workflow(s) to return
eventIdstringRequiredThe identifier of the event to get
typestringRequiredThe type of the item to create

Body Parameters

The request body parameters will differ depending on the type of item created. Some examples are shown below

Item TypeParameter NameParameter TypeRequiredDescription

parentIdstringOptionalThe identifier of the node in to which the item should be inserted. Defaults to the root node. The valid parents for reference items are the root node, items of the type condition or references which ruleId is for a rule of type "folder"
orderIdintegerRequiredThe position (which in the children of the parent node) where this reference should be inserted. For example 0 means at the beginning, in the case of using a number greater than the current number of children within the parent node the item will be inserted at the end
ruleIdStringRequiredThe rule to be referenced, it must exist
enabledbooleanOptionalWhether or not the item is enabled (default true)

parentIdstringRequiredThe identifier of the node in to which the item should be inserted. The valid parents for condition items are references which ruleId is for a rule of type "choice".
valueobjectRequiredThe value to be compared against
conditionTypeStringRequiredThe value type, possible types are "string", "boolean", "integer", "long", "double", "float"
enabledbooleanOptionalWhether or not the item is enabled (default true)
templateStringRequiredThe condition template id.

parentIdstringOptionalThe identifier of the node in to which the item should be inserted. Defaults to the root node. The valid parents for exit items are the root node, items of the type condition or references which ruleId is for a rule of type "folder"
orderIdintegerRequiredThe position (which in the children of the parent node) where this reference should be inserted
enabledbooleanOptionalWhether or not the item is enabled (default true)


  "workflow": {
    "id": "AAABcIueWUc=",
    "description": "Publish to Elasticsearch"
    "event": {
      "id": "onAddUpdate",
      "rule": {
        "id": "AAABcQwxWUc=",

Status: 200, 404, 406

Update a workflow event item

Update a workflow event item from Aspire, this endpoint need the at least the ADMINISTRATOR role to be executed.

PUT /aspire/_api/workflows/:id/:eventId/:itemId

Path Parameters

idstringRequiredThe identifier of the workflow(s) to return
eventIdstringRequiredThe identifier of the event to get
typestringRequiredThe type of the item to create

Body Parameters

The request body parameters will differ depending on the type of item created. Some examples are shown below

Item TypeParameter NameParameter TypeRequiredDescription
referenceparentIdstringRequiredThe identifier of the parent node of the item to update. The parent cannot be updated using this method, use the move event item method to change the parent.

ruleIdStringOptionalThe rule to be referenced, it must exist

enabledbooleanOptionalWhether or not the item is enabled (default true)
conditionparentIdstringRequiredThe identifier of the parent node of the item to update. The parent cannot be updated using this method, use the move event item method to change the parent.

valueobjectOptionalThe value to be compared against

typeStringOptionalThe value type, possible types are "string", "boolean", "integer", "long", "double", "float"

enabledbooleanOptionalWhether or not the item is enabled (default true)

templateStringOptionalThe condition template id.
exitparentIdstringRequiredThe identifier of the parent node of the item to update. The parent cannot be updated using this method, use the move event item method to change the parent.

enabledbooleanOptionalWhether or not the item is enabled (default true)


  "workflow": {
    "id": "AAABcIueWUc=",
    "description": "Publish to Elasticsearch"
    "event": {
      "id": "onAddUpdate",
      "rule": {
        "id": "AAABcQwxWUc=",

Status: 200, 404, 406

Delete single workflow event item

Delete a workflow event item from Aspire, this endpoint need the at least the ADMINISTRATOR role to be executed.

DELETE /aspire/_api/workflows/:id/:eventId/:parentId/:itemId

Path Parameters

idstringRequiredThe identifier of the workflow to use
eventIdstringRequiredThe identifier of the event to use
parentIdstringRequiredThe identifier of the node with the item to be deleted
itemIdintegerRequiredThe identifier of the item to delete


  "message": "delete result response message"

Status: 200, 404, 406

Move a workflow event item

Move a workflow event item from Aspire, this endpoint need the at least the ADMINISTRATOR role to be executed.

PUT /aspire/_api/workflows/:id/move/:eventId

Path Parameters

idstringRequiredThe identifier of the workflow to use
eventIdstringRequiredThe identifier of the event to use

Body Parameters

srcstringRequiredThe identifier of the event item to move
deststringRequiredThe identifier of the new parent for the moved item
orderIdintegerOptionalThe position (which in the children of the parent node) where this item should be inserted. For example 0 means at the beginning, in the case of using a number greater than the current number of children within the parent node the item will be inserted at the end. If no provided the item will be moved at the end of the children list of the new parent.


  "message": "move result response message"

Status: 200, 404, 406

Get workflow templates

Retrieve all workflow templates from Aspire, this endpoint need the at least the OPERATOR role to be executed.

GET /aspire/_api/workflows/:id/templates

Path Parameters

idstringRequiredThe identifier of the workflow to get the templates for


  "template": [{
      "id": "AAABcQwrWUc",
	  "id": "AAABcQwrWUd",

Status: 200, 404, 406

Get single workflow template

Retrieve a single workflow templates from Aspire, this endpoint need the at least the OPERATOR role to be executed.

GET /aspire/_api/workflows/:id/template/:templateId

Path Parameters

idstringRequiredThe identifier of the workflow to get the templates for
templateIdstringRequiredThe identifier of the template to get


  "template": [{
      "id": "AAABcQwrWUc",

Status: 200, 404, 406

Get single workflow rule

Get a single workflow rule from Aspire, this endpoint need the at least the OPERATOR role to be executed.

GET /aspire/_api/workflows/:id/rule/:ruleId

Path Parameters

idstringRequiredThe identifier of the workflow to return rules for
ruleIdstringRequiredThe identifier of the rule to get


  "workflow": {
    "id": "AAABcIueWUc=",
    "description": "Publish to Elasticsearch"
    "rule": {
      "id": "ddSWeq123",
      "description": "Some rule",
      "type": "application",

Status: 200, 404, 406

Get workflow rules

Get workflow rules from Aspire, this endpoint need the at least the OPERATOR role to be executed.

GET /aspire/_api/workflows/:id/rules

Path Parameters

idstringRequiredThe identifier of the workflow to return rules for


    "workflow": {
        "id": "72022651-c2f4-45a9-9e18-2b0ace529cda",
        "type": "connector",
        "description": "Test Workflow",
        "checksum": "2b8dc08a2da838304528b4695109e2379da9a670c5a195dcd27355e8daa20a8b",
        "rules": {
            "5d1273b8-9dc0-4f6d-89f3-fe6f331a6067": {
                "appName": "Publish_To_File",
                "config": "",
                "type": "application",
                "description": "Publish to File",
                "properties": {
                    "debug": "false",
                    "logFileType": "true",
                    "logFile": "${}/",
                    "numJobs": 5
                "id": "5d1273b8-9dc0-4f6d-89f3-fe6f331a6067"

Status: 200, 404, 406

Create a workflow rule

Create a single workflow rule in Aspire, this endpoint need the at least the ADMINISTRATOR role to be executed.

POST /aspire/_api/workflows/:id/rules

Path Parameters

idstringRequiredThe identifier of the workflow to create a rule for

Body Parameters

The request body parameters will differ depending on the type of rule created.

Rule TypeParameter NameParameter TypeRequiredDescription
applicationtypestringRequiredThe rule type, in the case of application the value must be "application"

descriptionstringRequiredThe rule description. Any spaces will be replaced with "_" after creation

configstringRequiredThe maven coordinates of the rule application

propertiesobjectOptionalA nested JSON object that contains any additional property required by the application. The properties will vary depending of the application.

enabledbooleanOptionalWhether or not the rule is enabled (default true)

*appTypestringOptionalThis field is only required if Aspire will be used with the UI. This field is used to associate the rule to the proper dxf from the resource manager

*_typestringOptionalThis field is only required if Aspire will be used with the UI.
templatetypestringRequiredThe rule type, in the case of rules based on templates, type must match the type of the template, for example if the template type is "choice" the rule type also must be "choice"

templatestringRequiredThe id of the template to use for the rule

propertiesobjectOptionalA nested JSON object that contains any additional property required by the template. The properties will vary depending of the template.

enabledbooleanOptionalWhether or not the rule is enabled (default true)
customtypestringRequiredThe rule type, in the case of custom rules the value must be "custom"

descriptionstringRequiredThe rule description. Any spaces will be replaced with "_" after creation

scriptstringRequiredThe custom groovy script to execute.

Optionally you may opt to add the created rule to a workflow event by adding the following query parameters

Parameter NameParameter TypeRequiredDescription
parentIdstringOptionalThe identifier of the node in to which the item should be inserted. Defaults to the root node
orderIdintegerOptionalThe position (which in the children of the parent node) where this reference should be inserted

Response when parentId used

  "workflow": {
    "id": "AAABcIueWUc=",
    "description": "Publish to Elasticsearch"
    "event": {
      "id": "onAddUpdate",
      "rule": {
        "id": "ddSWeq123",
        "description": "Some rule",
        "type": "application",

Response without parentId

  "workflow": {
    "id": "AAABcIueWUc=",
    "description": "Publish to Elasticsearch"
    "rule": {
      "id": "ddSWeq123",
      "description": "Some rule",
      "type": "application",

Status: 200, 404, 406

Update single workflow rule

Updatee a single workflow rule in Aspire, this endpoint need the at least the ADMINISTRATOR role to be executed.

PUT /aspire/_api/workflows/:id/rule/:ruleId

Path Parameters

idstringRequiredThe identifier of the workflow to update a rule for
ruleIdstringRequiredThe identifier of the rule to update

Body Parameters

The request body parameters will differ depending on the type of rule created. See Create a workflow rule above


  "workflow": {
    "id": "AAABcIueWUc=",
    "description": "Publish to Elasticsearch"
    "rule": {
      "id": "ddSWeq123",
      "description": "Some rule",
      "type": "application",

Status: 200, 404, 406

Delete single workflow rule

Deletes a single workflow rule from Aspire, this endpoint need the at least the ADMINISTRATOR role to be executed.

DELETE /aspire/_api/workflows/:id/rule/:ruleId

Path Parameters


The identifier of the workflow from which to delete rule(s) 

ruleIdstringRequiredThe identifier of the rule to delete


  "message": "delete result response message"

Status: 200, 404, 406

Delete workflow rules

Deletes a single workflow rule from Aspire, this endpoint need the at least the ADMINISTRATOR role to be executed.

DELETE /aspire/_api/workflows/:id/rules

Path Parameters


The identifier of the workflow from which to delete rule(s) 

Query Parameters


One or more rule ids to be deleted


  "message": "delete result response message"

Status: 200, 404, 406

Export workflow(s)

Export one or more workflows from Aspire, this endpoint needs at least the OPERATOR role to be executed.

GET /aspire/_api/workflows/export

GET /aspire/_api/workflows/export/:id

POST /aspire/_api/workflows/exportAll

Every configuration item has the option to export from the UI, using the single menu or by the bulk actions:

Something important that you need to know is that when you export a config item that depends on another, the export will contain also all the dependencies.

Take into consideration that components with resources loaded into elastic, will be exported, but the resource itself will not, so you will need to reupload the resource and go and select your resource in the component again.

Path Parameters and Query parameters

idstringRequiredThe identifier(s) of the workflow(s) to export

Body Parameter

idsstringRequiredThe identifier(s) of the workflow(s) to export


GET /aspire/_api/workflows/export/AAABcID5GBc

DELETE /aspire/_api/workflows/export?id=AAABcID5GBc&id=AAABcID5GBd

POST /aspire/_api/workflows/export


  "export": {
    "workflows": {
      "workflow": [
          "id": "<workflow_id>",
          "type": "connector",
          "description": "myWorkflow",          
          "templates": {
            "template": [
          "events": {
            "event": [
          "rules": {
            "rule": [

Status: 200, 404, 406

Export multiple connections, filtered

Export multiple connections from Aspire, filtered by a specified criteria, this endpoint needs at least the OPERATOR role to be executed.

POST /aspire/_api/connections/exportAll

Filters: The connection filter definition here


  "export": {
    "workflows": {
      "workflow": [
          "id": "<workflow_id>",
          "type": "connector",
          "description": "myWorkflow",          
          "templates": {
            "template": [
          "events": {
            "event": [
          "rules": {
            "rule": [

Status: 200


The import usage can be found here


 Some endpoint queries require a filter. A filter is basically a JSON object with the following format:

Seed filter:

  "filter" : {
    "ids" : ["ID1", "ID2", "ID3", ...],
    "type" : "TYPE",
    "description" : "DESCRIPTION",
    "deleteIncrementalPolicy": "deletePolicyId",
	"credentials" : "credentialId",
	"throttlePolicy" : "throttlePolicyId",
	"routingPolicies" : ["RP1", "RP2", "RP3", ...]
  • No labels