Move all the configuration for UI, to the Serve

Configuration in the UI side, means the UI had to be built every time, the configuration was change, while in the server can be access via REST

Change all JSON config files to JavaScript

Using JavaScript as configuration files, means, configuration can be load as node modules, and can use libraries, variables and comments

Configuration is read every time requested

UI request the config once every time it starts; one single configuration file is tailored from the multiple config files, and sent to the UI, and the UI morphs according to the configuration file

Fields & Facets Framework

Completely dynamic frameworks, not only manages the display per type, but also, add transformations, highlight, manages the logic individually and is easily expandable

Tabs Framework

Still a work in progress, this framework is intended to create new and more diverse types of tabs besides search, like dashboards, summaries, or custom pages

Endpoint Configuration Override

Now the tab can send its own endpoint configuration (complete or partially), to override the default behavior, allowing for custom configuration per tab for search, typeahead and more

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