The Query Executor application is intended take an AspireObject containing a query, submit it to a Search Engine and load the results from the engine back in to the AspireObject.

This application receives a job containing a query and concatenates all the top level document elements together in name value pairs to form a parameter list for a URL. The location of the URL is constructed by concatenating the configured server and (if specified) the request path. The the request path is not specified, the application looks for a value in the document /doc/aspireHttpFeederServlet/@fullPath attribute (which is populated by applications such as the FAST Query Listener, which use the HTTP Feeder component).

The application then uses the Fetch URL component to submit the query to the search engine and the XML Loader or Text Loader component as appropriate to load the results from that query. XML results will be loaded directly in to the root of the AspireObject (so a result set that has <SEGMENTS> as it's root will appear as /doc/SEGMENTS). Results which are not XML will be loaded (as a string) in to the element specified in the configuration.

The application can also be forced to skip query execution by the presence of a tag in the input document. This is useful if this application is chained after another application (such as the Federation Dispatcher) that may have performed the query.

See also the Fetch URL, XML Loader and Text Loader components

Query Executor Application Bundle
AppBundle Name Query Executor
Maven Coordinates com.searchtechnologies.appbundles:app-query-executor
Versions 1.2
Type Flags job-input
Inputs AspireObject
Outputs AspireObject

Application Configuration

The host and port of the server to submit the search to.
Request pathString
The request path for the search engine URL. If blank, the application will assume that the path can be found in the document in /doc/aspireHttpFeederServlet/@fullPath.
Text result targetStringtextResultsThe tag in the document into which results will be loaded when the mimeType is not text/xml.
Existing resultsString/doc/SEGMENTSThe path with in the document to the node holding the results from a previously executed (possibly federated) query. The presence of this tag will cause this application to skip query execution. The path should be in the form /doc/SEGMENTS.

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