On the page:

Step 1. Install the Content Analytics expansion pack inside Ambari

  1. Copy the expansion pack file inside the Ambari server machine.
  2. Execute the command

    ambari-server install-mpack --mpack=content-analytics- -v
  3. Restart the server with the command

    ambari-server restart
  4. Link the new extension with the Hortonworks stack version in use

    curl -u <USER>:<PASSWORD> -H 'X-Requested-By: ambari' -X POST -d '{"ExtensionLink": {"stack_name": "<STACK_NAME>", "stack_version": "<STACK_VERSION>", "extension_name": "CONTENT_ANALYTICS", "extension_version": "1.0"}}' http://<HOSTNAME>:<PORT>/api/v1/links/
  5. Restart the server again.

Step 2. Add the New Service

On the cluster, click Actions and then Add Service to go to the add service wizard.

Step 2a. Add Aspire as a service

 In the wizard, Aspire should be listed as a service to install.

  1. Select Aspire from the available services.
  2. Select the hosts where Aspire Server will be installed.

Step 2b. Configure Aspire

  1. General settings
    • Install Directory: The path to install Aspire, it will be used as the Aspire Home to use. Once the service is installed, the directory can not be changed.
    • Log Directory: The path for the Aspire logs.
    • License Path: The path of the Aspire license file.
    • Server Port: The Aspire server port number.
    • Aspire User: The user used to run the Aspire process.
    • Aspire Group: The group used to run the Aspire process.
    • Aspire System Properties: Specify the required Aspire system properties to use in the format: NAME:VALUE, one per line. This properties will be available to use on the installed Aspire Components.
    • Enable Debug: Check to enable Aspire debug mode.
    • Debug Port: The aspíre server debug port number.

  2. Repository
    • Maven Repository URL: The Maven repository URL.
    • Maven User Name: The Maven account user name.
    • Maven User Password: The Maven account password.
    • Default Version: The Aspire Bundles Default version.
    • Bundle Versions: Specify the required bundle versions to use in the following format: ARTIFACT_ID:VERSION, one per line.

  3. Security
    • UI protocol: Protocol used on the Aspire UI.
    • Keystore Location: The path of the file containing the keystore, it can be relative to ASPIRE_HOME.
    • Keystore Password: The password for the keystore.
    • Keystore Key Password: The password for the key in the keystore.
    • Truststore Location: The path of the file containing the truststore, it can be relative to ASPIRE_HOME.
    • Truststore Password: The password for the truststore.
    • Authentication Type: The type of authentication user by the Aspire Admin UI. Use None or Ldap.
    • Ldap Server: The ldap server to validate against. This will be ignored if the authentication type is set to None.
    • Ldap Authentication: The ldap authentication to use (anonymous/simple/DIGEST-MD5). This will be ignored if the authentication type is set to None.
    • Ldap Search Base: The search base for ldap queries for the user's dn. This will be ignored if the authentication type is set to None.
    • Ldap Administrator User DN: Holds the dn of one user that may access Aspire with Administration role. Enter one DN per line.
    • Ldap Administrator Group DN: Holds the dn of one group that may access Aspire with Administration role. NOTE: currently, the users must be direct members of this group (not a member of a group that is a member of this group). Enter one DN per line.
    • Ldap Developer User DN: Holds the dn of one user that may access Aspire with Developer role. Enter one DN per line.
    • Ldap Developer Group DN: Holds the dn of one group that may access Aspire with Developer role. NOTE: currently, the users must be direct members of this group (not a member of a group that is a member of this group). Enter one DN per line.
    • Ldap Groups Hold Members: Indicates that ldap group objects hold the membership information. By default, user objects are expected to hold group membership. This will be ignored if the authentication type is set to None.
    • Ldap User DN Query: The ldap query used to find the dn for the user that logged in. This will be ignored if the authentication type is set to None.
    • Ldap Member Attribute: The attribute of the ldap object (be it user or group) that holds information about group membership. This will be ignored if the authentication type is set to None.

      For more details about how these properties work check the Aspire security documentation

  4. NoSQL
    • Database Provider Implementation: The noSQL database provider implementation.
    • HBase Namespace Prefix: The prefix to use for the HBase namespaces. This will be ignored if the provider is not HBase.
    • HBase Create Namespaces: By default Aspire will create database name spaces. This will be ignored if the provider is not HBase.
    • HBase Properties: Specify the required Hbase properties to use in the format: NAME:VALUE, one per line. This will be ignored if the provider is not HBase.
    • HBase Configuration Path: The path to the HBase configuration files. This will be ignored if the provider is not HBase.
    • HBase Kerberos User: The HBase user to use with Kerberos. This will be ignored if the provider is not HBase.
    • HBase Kerberos Keytab File: The HBase keytab file to use with Kerberos. This will be ignored if the provider is not HBase.
    • MongoDB Server: The MongoDB server. This will be ignored if the provider is not MongoDB.

      Check the documentation for more details about the HBase provider properties work

  5. System
    • Initial Memory: Aspire initial memory.
    • Maximum Memory: Aspire maximum memory.
    • Maximum Metaspace: Aspire maximum metaspace memory.
    • Extra System Packages: Appends packages (one per line) to the default set of exported system packages.
    • Boot Delegation Packages: The following property makes specified packages (one per line) from the class path available to all bundles. You should avoid using this property.
    • Additional Felix Properties: Add any additional Felix properties to use, format: PROPERTY=VALUE, one per line.

Step 2c. Finish the installation

Continue to the next tab on the wizard and review the configurations, finally clink on deploy and wait for Aspire to start running, after that the installation process is done.

Step 3a Uninstall the service

  • Enter the Aspire service and click the Service Actions menu.
  • Click the Stop to end the Aspire Service processes.
  • Optionally click the Uninstall option to remove all Aspire related files from the host machines.
  • Finally click the Delete Service option to delete the Service from Ambari

Step 3b Remove the expansion pack

  • Un-link the extension by executing the command

    curl -u <USER>:<PASSWORD> -H 'X-Requested-By: ambari' -X DELETE http://<HOSTNAME>:<PORT>/api/v1/links/<LINK_ID>
  • Remove the expansion pack

    ambari-server uninstall-mpack --mpack-name=contentanalatytics-mpack -v
  • Restart the Ambari server

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