Put the jar of the aspire-csd project on the directory /opt/cloudera/csd on the machine where the Cloudera server was installed.
Step 1b. Create the parcel
On the project aspire-parcel execute the command
tar zcvf ASPIRE-3.2-el7.parcel ASPIRE-3.2 --owner=root --group=root
Check this page to ascertain which parcel suffix to use.
Put the parcel on the parcel repository that you are going to use, and update/create the manifest file, this can be done using this python file make_manifest.py with the following command:
Step 2. Download, Distribute and Activate the Parcel
Go to the Cloudera Manager Parcels management page and look for the Aspire parcel that should be available to download.
Click Downloadand wait until download process is done.
Click Distribute.
After the distribution is done, click Activate.
The parcel should be activated on all instances of the Cloudera Cluster.
Step 3. Add the New Service
On the cluster, click Add Service to go to the add service wizard.
Step 3a. Add Aspire as a service
In the wizard, Aspire should be listed as a service to install.
Select Aspire from the available services.
If not selected automatically, select the Zookeeper service to use.
Select the hosts where Aspire Server will be installed.
Step 3b. Configure Aspire
Common settings
Aspire Version: The Aspire version
Maven username: Enter the username of the maven account
Maven password: Enter the password of the maven account
No SQL settings
DB provider implementation: Select the implementation of the no SQL db provider to use.
HBase settings, these will be ignored if the provider is not HBase
HBase Properties: Specify the required Hbase properties to use in the format: NAME:VALUE.
HBase config path: The path to the HBase config files.
HBase Kerberos User: The HBase user to use with Kerberos.
HBase Kerberos Keytab: The HBase keytab to use with Kerberos
Mongo settings, these will be ignored if the provider is not Mongo
Mongo DB server: The Mongo DB server to use.
Authentication settings
Authentication type: The type of authentication user by the Aspire Admin UI.
Ldap settings, these will be ignored if the authentication type is set to None
LDAP server: The ldap server to validate against.
LDAP Authentication: The ldap authentication to use (anonymous/simple/DIGEST-MD5).
LDAP Search Base: The search base for ldap queries for the user's dn.
LDAP Admin Group DN: If empty, disables group based access control. Otherwise, holds the dn of the group that may access the administration pages.
LDAP Groups Hold Members: Indicates that ldap group objects hold the membership information. By default, user objects are expected to hold group membership.
LDAP User DN Query: The ldap query used to find the dn for the user that logged in.
LDAP Member Attribute: The attribute of the ldap object (be it user or group) that holds information about group membership.
Other Aspire settings
System Properties: Specify the required Aspire system properties to use in the format: NAME:VALUE. This properties will be avaible to use on the installed Aspire Components.
BundleVersions: Specify the required bundle versions to use in the following format: ARTIFACT_ID:VERSION.
Felix settings
Additional Felix Properties: Add any additional Felix properties to use, format: PROPERTY=VALUE.
Extra System Packages: Appends packages to the default set of exported system packages.
Boot Delegation Packages: The following property makes specified packages from the class path available to all bundles. You should avoid using this property.
JVM settings
Initial Memory: Aspire initial memory.
Maximum Memory: Aspire maximum memory
Maximum Metaspace: Aspire maximum Metaspace
JVM Additional Options: Add any additional JVM options to use, format: OPTION=VALUE.
Step 3c. Finish the installation
Continue to the next tab on the wizard and wait for Aspire to start running, after that installation process is done.
Step 4. Check the newly installed service
On the cluster, you can check that Aspire is listed along the other services.
If you click on the service you will see multiple tabs, with the following being relevant:
Status: Here you can check the health of the service and it's instances.
Instances: You can check and manage the instances where the service is instances.
Configuration: Tab to make changes to the configuration of the service, any change made will be deployed to all Aspire instances when the service is restarted.
Commands: It shows the history of command executed on the service.
If you click on an specific instance in the instances tab you will see the same tabs mentioned before, but only with information related to the selected instance, any configuration changes made here will only apply to that instance instead of all instances of the service.