Before You Start
This document describes the steps needed for installing the various Aspire components of the SharePoint 2013 Publisher Endpoint.
This installation is done through a powershell script that will setup and configure the following components:
- Intermediate Repository. Shared folder created to be used as a SharePoint External Source.
- (IIS Service) Aspire Service. Acts as a data source for the Aspire ECT (External Content Type).
- Reads XML files from the Repository using a separate timestamp file to managed updated content.
- Protected using NTLM authentication mechanism.
- Any user accessing this service must be member of the AspireUsers Active Directory or local Windows group.
- (SharePoint Solution) Notification Endpoint. Receives requests for crawling the Aspire Content Source.
- Creates the Content Source specific directory in the publisher file share.
- Creates the Search Service Application Content Source.
- Creates the BDC Model and External Content Type (ECT) in SharePoint Business Data Connectivity Services.
- Security Trimmer. Used to enhance the search query in SharePoint Search using group expansion from Aspire.
- Error Crawl Logs. Used to get crawled document logs from a content source.