This section describes how to change the memory settings for the Java Virtual Machine when running Aspire. It depends on how you are running Aspire. 

By default Aspire uses 1 GB of memory for evaluation purposes, but for production or development environments we recommend to increase this accordingly. Check the Hardware and Network Considerations for the recommend memory allocation settings.

On this page

Running in Linux from

  1. Go to your ${aspire.home}/bin folder and edit the file. In this case, we are setting Aspire to use 32 GB of memory.

    # Set the java options
    JAVA_OPT="$JAVA_OPT -Xmx32g -Xms32g -XX:MaxPermSize=256m"
  2. Restart Aspire

    $ bin\

    and then

    $ bin\

Running in Windows from aspire.bat

  1. Go to your ${aspire.home}\bin folder and edit the aspire.bat file. In this case we, are setting Aspire to use 32 GB of memory.

    rem set the Java options for Aspire
    set ASPIRE_JAVA_OPTS=-Xmx32g -Xms32g -XX:MaxPermSize=256m
  2. Restart Aspire

    > bin\shutdown.bat

    and then

    > bin\aspire.bat

Running as Windows Service

When running Aspire as a Windows Service, there are two options.

Option 1 - Re-install the Service

Every command should be run using an Administrator Console, and relative to the ${aspire.home} directory.

  1. Change the ${aspire.home}\bin\installService.bat file to reflect the memory settings you want to use. In the example below we are setting the memory as 32 GB.

    rem Initial Java heap size
    rem Maximum  Java heap size
    set JAVA_MAX_MEMORY=32768
  2. Stop the service from the Services window.

  3. Remove the service by executing.

    > bin\removeService.bat
    Windows Service Name:  AspireService
    [SC] DeleteService SUCCESS
    Service AspireService deleted.
  4. Reinstall the service.

    > bin\installService.bat
    "JAVA 8"
    Current System Architecture: AMD64
    Windows Service Name:  AspireService
    Aspire Home:  C:\Users\aaguilar\Distributions\aspire-3.3
    Java VM:  C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_73\jre\bin\server\jvm.dll
    Creating Service...
    Service AspireService created.

Option 2 - Change the JVM Options

This option is available if you can't or don't want to reinstall the Service.

  1. Open the Registry Editor (regedit).
  2. Browse to:

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SOFTWARE / WOW6432Node / Apache Software / Procrun 2.0 / AspireService / Parameters / Java
  3. Edit JvmMs and JvmMx to what you need.

  4. Restart the AspireService from the Services Window.


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