On this page

This section will be accessed after the user selects a connector from the Add Source list, or Add a custom connector or clicks on the name of an existing content source.

  • If it is an existing content source, all of the changes made on these pages will update the content source.
  • To create a content source capable of crawling, complete the General section and any necessary fields in the Connector section.


In this section, the only 2 mandatory fields needed to create a content source are the Name and the Scheduled fields. For the Name field, users can't use the following characters (\ / * ? " : > < |), and the length can't be longer than 50 characters. As for the scheduler, there are 5 types of schedulers.


The Scheduler indicates how often the content source is going to scan and crawl the repository. There are five (5) different ways to configure this feature.


The Manually option disables the scheduler, this means the content source will not be scanned or crawled, until the user clicks on the Start button of the content source.


The Minutes option sets the content source to crawl every set amount of minutes, ranging from 1 to 60 minutes. (e.g. every 15 minutes).


The Hourly option sets the content source to crawl every set amount of hours and at a specific minute within that hour (e.g. every 2 hours at minute 15).


The Daily option sets the content source to crawl every day at an exact time (e.g. every day at 9:30 am).


The Weekly option sets the content source to crawl on one or more selected days each week, at an exact time (e.g. every Monday and Thursday at 3:00 pm).


The Monthly option sets the content source to crawl on a specific day every set number of months at an exact time (e.g. every Monday and Thursday at 3:00 pm).


The Advanced option allows users to put their own cron query. In this method users can provide any valid cron query to set the content source to crawl when they want to (e.g. 37 9 15 9 *, it would be every year on the 15th of September at 9:37 am).


In the connector section, users provide the configuration information to connect to the source and to indicate what the content source is going to crawl. The Aspire UI guides users and does valuation to prevent missing required fields, and any malformed fields.

Content Source Properties

The Content Source Properties are specific to the connector and provide the information needed to connect to the repository source, it may also include sections to include and exclude patterns to choose which content to crawl, to configure group expansion and to extract hierarchy of the data.

Advanced Connector Properties

The Advanced Connector Properties are by default hidden. Users can access them by clicking on the Advanced Connector check box. In Advanced Connector Properties users can configure options for auditing, thread managing, throttling, workflow reload periods, debug, and other options that support the crawl of the source.

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