This is the version that is appropriate for the system that will run Aspire:
The Aspire framework itself does not use up that much memory (100mb or so). However, some applications may store big hash tables to improve performance, so it's best to have the 64-bit JVM just in case you need it someday.
Open a new DOS command-shell. (Go to the Start menu, and enter "cmd" where it says Run or Search for Programs, and then execute the cmd.exe program).
At the prompt, enter the following and press Enter: java -version.
Success is indicated when version information is returned.
This is needed by the Maven command-line tool. In Windows:
Go to System > Advanced System Settings > Advanced > Environment Variables.
Under System variables, click New.
Enter "JAVA_HOME" as the Variable name.
Locate the directory within your Program files where java was installed.
Enter this directory name as the Variable value.
For Linux systems: