The implementation between each model can be entire different, we are not going to go into details about each particular model, each model implementation in Python Bridge is a set of expected functions focused in functionality

Model Class Creation

Every model class must be under the package models, inside the Python Bridge folder, and must extended from the class ModelWrapper, which can be import from models.model_wrapper. An example of a model class with the bare minimum, can be found below

from models.model_wrapper import ModelWrapper

class Test(ModelWrapper):
    def __init__(self):

    def initialize(self, model_dir, **kwargs):

    def load(self, model_dir, name, version):

    def save(self):

    def clear(self):

    def feed(self, data):

    def train(self, **kwargs):

    def predict(self, data: list):

    def regress(self, data):

    def classify(self, data) -> (str, float):

Implementation Class

Every class extending from ModelWrapper must implement the following methods, but if by any reason you don't need one of them, you can leave it as pass 


def initialize(self, model_dir, **kwargs):

Receive the path to the model type and the configuration for the path


def load(self, model_dir, name, version):

Receive the path to the model type, the name of the model and the version of it, in this section the loading of the model is expected


def save(self):

Save the current loaded model


def clear(self):

Remove the current loaded model, and any training data in memory


def feed(self, data):

Receives a list of string tokens to be added to the training data


def train(self, **kwargs):

Trains the model with the documents fed, the model can be either kept in memory or saved


def predict(self, data: list):

Retrieves a vector or an array of vectors from processing the data with the loaded model, which is returned inside a JSON { 'vector': [ ] }, the value of the vector key must be always an array.


def regress(self, data):

Implements regression. We yet haven't implement a model for this particular method, at the moment it exists for future implementation


def classify(self, data) -> (str, float):

Retrieves a label or multiple labels using the loaded model from the data. We recommend returning the label along with its confidence.

Model Class References

Now that the class is ready, we need to make it available to be used, for this we need to add a reference in 2 files


Inside the models package there is a file which exposes the Model Classes to the server. Any new class needs to be added to this files, and example can be seen below with the Test class

from .latent_semantic_indexing import LatentSemanticIndexing
from .bert import Bert
from .sentiment_analysis_vader import SentimentAnalysisVader
from .sentiment_analysis_text_blob import SentimentAnalysisTextBlob
from .model_wrapper import ModelWrapper

from .test import Test


The other reference lies inside the config.json file in the config folder, in this file there is a section called "model_types", which refers to the classes available. As in the file, any new class needs to be reference in this file

"model_names" does reference the actual model data, each name in the model_names refers to a folder which also contains folders representing the versions of the model

"model_types": {
        "LatentSemanticIndexing" : {
            "model_names": ["lsi"]
        "Bert": {
            "model_names": ["bert-base-uncased"],
            "default_model": "bert-base-uncased"
        "SentimentAnalysisVader": {
            "model_names": ["vader"]
        "SentimentAnalysisTextBlob": {
            "model_names": ["textBlob"]
		"Test"" {
			"model_names": ["test"]

Model Data

Every model to be used by its implementation needs to be stored in a specific path, composed by the Name of model type, a representative name of the model and a folder representing the version (the version doesn't have to be a number, it can be a name). As it can be seen below, the model for the Test Class was added following this structure

│   ├───bert-base-uncased
│   |   └───1
│   └───lsi
│       ├───1
│       └───2
│   └───textBlob
│       └───1
│   └───vader
│       └───1
│   └───tfidf
│       └───1
  • No labels