This REST Handler contains:

  • Endpoints that return Saga configuration and build information
  • Endpoints to process text and return the interpretation graph

POST _saga/processText

  • Will return a Saga interpretation graph in the format specified
  • By default, it returns the graph in HTML format which is used by the UI
  • It also can return JSON or plain text


  • q ( type=string | required ) - This is the text to process
  • tags ( type=string array | required ) - List of tags to use to process the text
  • tag ( type=string | optional ) - Tag to use to process the text
  • processor ( type=string | optional ) - Pipeline or pipeline stage to use to process the text
  • splitRegex ( type=string | default=[\r\n ]+ | optional ) - Specifies the regex to use to split text into TEXT_BLOCKs
  • combine ( type=boolean | default=false | optional ) - If true, it will combine all the SEMANTIC_TAGs, which has same matching text and same confidence value
    • The combination includes the metadata, of every SEMANTIC_TAG
  • addComponents ( type=boolean | default=true | optional ) - If true, it will also add the components from the highest route confidence tokens.
  • compFields ( type=string array | optional ) - Applicable when addComponents is true. Indicates which components to add to the response
    • If missing all the components will be added
  • metadata ( type=boolean | default=false | optional ) - If true, it will add the metadata of the entities found in every SEMANTIC_TAG
  • type ( type=string | default=ux | optional ) - Specifies the format of the results. It could be one of these values: "ux", "text" or "json"
    • ux - Returns an output useful for Saga to show the graph on a web display.
    • text - Returns a "line" with the highest confidence route and a text representation of the graph.
    • json - Returns all the semantic tags on the graph.
  • pretty ( type=boolean | default=false | optional ) - Used to pretty format the JSON result

The parameters tags, tag and processor are mutually exclusive, only one is required, and the priority order is:

  1. tags
  2. tag
  3. processor

Request Examples

curl -X POST \
  http://localhost:8080/_saga/processText \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '
    "q": "I like traveling with Air Paris",
	"tags": ["airline"],
    "combine": true,
    "addComponents": true,
    "compFields": "paris",
	"splitRegex": "[\r\n]+",
	"type": "text",
	"pretty": true



POST _saga/processBatch

  • Will return a Saga interpretation graph in the format specified
  • By default, it returns the graph in HTML format which is used by the UI
  • It also can return JSON or plain text


  • batch ( type=string array | required ) - List of texts to process
  • tags ( type=string array | required ) - List of tags to use to process the text
  • tag ( type=string | optional ) - Tag to use to process the text
  • processor ( type=string | optional ) - Pipeline or pipeline stage to use to process the text
  • splitRegex ( type=string | default=[\r\n ]+ | optional ) - Specifies the regex to use to split text into TEXT_BLOCKs
  • combine ( type=boolean | default=false | optional ) - If true, it will combine all the SEMANTIC_TAGs, which has same matching text and same confidence value
    • The combination includes the metadata, of every SEMANTIC_TAG
  • addComponents ( type=boolean | default=true | optional ) - If true, it will also add the components from the highest route confidence tokens.
  • compFields ( type=string array | optional ) - Applicable when addComponents is true. Indicates which components to add to the response
    • If missing all the components will be added
  • metadata ( type=boolean | default=false | optional ) - If true, it will add the metadata of the entities found in every SEMANTIC_TAG

The parameters tags, tag and processor are mutually exclusive, only one is required, and the priority order is:

  1. tags
  2. tag
  3. processor

Request Examples

curl -X POST \
  http://localhost:8080/_saga/processBatch \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '
    "batch": ["I like traveling with Air Paris", "I enjoy traveling with Delta"],
	"tags": ["airline"],
    "combine": true,
    "addComponents": true,
    "compFields": "paris"



GET _saga/solution

  • Returns the information of the solution currently being used.
  • A solution is basically the set of Elasticsearch indices in use

Request Examples

curl --location --request GET 'http://localhost:8080/_saga/solution'



GET _saga/info

  • Returns build-specific and configuration information about Saga
  • Build information contains title, vendor, version, build revision and date
  • Configuration information contains the solution (Elastic index) and providers configured at the moment

Request Examples

curl --location --request GET 'http://localhost:8080/_saga/info'



GET _saga/stopServer

  • Stops the Saga Server

If you stop the server via HTTP request, it can only be restarted on-premise

Request Examples

curl --location --request GET 'http://localhost:8080/_saga/stopServer'
