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The IBM Connections Connector performs full and incremental scans over a IBM Connections site and will extract security, metadata, and content from each object scanned. The connector allows you to select whether you wish all applications or only some of them (Activities, Blogs, Files, etc). Each scanned object will be tagged with one of three possible actions--add, update, or delete--and can be routed to any Aspire pipeline as desired.

The connector, once started, can be stoppedpaused or resumed via the Scheduler Component. Typically the start job will contain all information required by the job to perform the scan. When pausing or stopping, the connector will wait until all the jobs it published have completed before updating the statistics and status of the connector.


IBM Connections Application Bundle
AppBundle NameIBM Connectios Connector
Maven Coordinates
InputsAspireObject from a content source submitter holding all the information required for a crawl
OutputsAn AspireObject containing the URL, content, ACLs and Metadata processed for each file.


This section lists all configuration parameters available to install the Jive IBM Connections Application Bundle and to execute crawls using the connector.

${aspire.home}/snapshotsThe directory for snapshot files to be stored.IBMSSLPasswordbooleanfalseBy default, connectors use Apache Tika to extract text from downloaded documents. If you wish to apply special text processing to the downloaded document in the workflow, you should disable text extraction. The downloaded document is then available as a content stream.IBMSSLDirint15mThe period after which to reload the processing rules. Defaults to ms, but can be suffixed with ms, s, m, h or d to indicate the required units.useSSLbooleanfalseWhen set, exceptions in workflow rules will only effect the execution of the rule in which the exception occurs. Subsequent rules will be executed and the job will complete the workflow successfully. If not set, exceptions in workflow rules will be re-thrown and the job will be moved to the error workflow.
noneThe Url of the IBM Connection server to crawl (you have to specify the protocol).
IBMUserstringnoneThe Username to connect with.
IBMPasswordstringnoneThe password of the Username to connect with.
Page Sizeinteger100Specifies the number of entries per page to return in the crawl
useLTPAbooleanfalsetrue if the connector is going to use LTPA token for authentication.
IBMLoginUrlstringnoneIBM Connections login page (contains the LTPA token)
extractACLbooleanfalsetrue if the connector is going to requires user's GUID from LDAP server
ldapComponentstringnoneLDAP Cache component that was configure in the Services Section.
crawlAllAppsbooleanfalsefalse, All the default endpoints (applications: Activities, Blogs, Bookmarks, Communities, Files, Forums, Profiles, and Wikis) will be crawl.The user should select the applications that want to crawl.

true, The user will select which application wants to crawl.

Page Size
booleanfalsetrue if
group expansion is going to be used.    IBMServerstringnoneThe url to the Jive Community.IBMUserstringnoneThe user used to fetch the security groups.IBMPasswordstringnoneThe password for the userdebugBooleanfalseControls whether debugging is enabled for the application. Debug messages will be written to the log files
the connector is going to have limited access to the network or internet

true, if the user defined the accessible servers using patterns

false, if the user defined the accessible server's names or ips

Specifies the header and the value of the Request Property or Properties
geTPSizeinteger5Number of threads for the thread pool to download users and groups from IBM server.
shouldBackoffbooleanfalseIf true, the connector will have a back off re-connection method when the server returns the specified error.
backoffErrorPatternregexfalseIndicate the regex to match the error message to back-off.
backoffMinutesinteger15Time to wait when a back-off error is encountered.
backoffRetriesinteger3Number of retries with backoff when error is encountered.
Format to parse the LastModifiedDate and Publish Date.
expandACLbooleanfalseIf true, the containers' ACL (Communities, Forums, Activities) will be expanded during crawling.

Configuration Example

To install the application bundle, add the configuration, as follows, to the <autoStart> section of the Aspire settings.xml.






<properties> <property

<property name="generalConfiguration">false</property>


<property name="snapshotDir">${}/${}/




<property name="disableTextExtract">false<

/property> <property

<property name="extractTextMaxSize">unlimited</property>
<property name="extractTimeout">180000</property>
<property name="workflowReloadPeriod">15s</property>


<property name="workflowErrorTolerant">false</property>
<property name="non-text-document">true</property>
<property name="nonTextDocumentsExtensions">jpg,gif,png,tif,mp3,mp4,mpg,mpeg,avi,mkv,wav,bmp,swf,jar,war,rar,zip,tgz,dll,exe,class</property>
<property name="enableFetchUrl">true</property>
<property name="fullRecovery">incremental</property>
<property name="incrementalRecovery">incremental</property>
<property name="waitForSubJobs">600000</property>
<property name="maxThreads">10</property>
<property name="jobQueue">30</property>
<property name="enableAuditing">true</property>
<property name="emitStartJob">true</property>
<property name="emitEndJob">true</property>
<property name="debug">false</property>
<property name="batchSize">50</property>
<property name="batchTimeout">60000</property>
<property name="fdServiceUrl"/>

      <property name="useGE">true</property>
      <property name="geSchedule">0 0 12 ? * *</property>
      <property name="url"></property>
      <property name="username">Admin</property>
      <property name="password">encrypted:63AA72A7708C8999DEE56A41894EBEEB</property>
      <property name="debug">true</property>