Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • ability to change version of template
  • ability passing connectionId, connectorId, workflowId,  policyId to seed, connection, credential
  • the ability passing list of tags
  • default values for properties which are not in 4.0.
  • multiple Starting Points -> split to multiple seeds and connections, script read file and for each line create seed.
  • ability to splitting url to connection and seed.
  • ability to pass as parameter a suffix of http object description
  • ability to work with relative path
  • ability to use the crawl path/folder to the Seed name and host/url to the Connection name the by using an argument.




For Developers

Python libraries used

os.path, json, urlparse, xmltodict, urllib3, zipfile, sys, datetime, logging, argparse

Step-by-step guide

  1. Run Aspire 4.0 and Aspire 5.0

  2. Download zip file of connector from Aspire 4.0
  3. setup Aspire 5.0 url in file, if you are using private certificates, needs to be setup also certificates


Code Block
URL_ASPIRE = "http://localhost:50505/aspire/_api" 
# --- https with certificates
# CA_CERTS = ('client-2048.crt', 'client-2048.key')
# http = urllib3.PoolManager(cert_reqs='REQUIRED', ca_certs=CA_CERTS) 

     4. Run script

Code Block
python -p

      5. After few second connector is migrated to Aspire 5.0, objects "seed", "connection", "connector", "credential" created with description "migration-{date}".

You can also check the created report about migration "migration-{date}.log" which will be in the  directory "reports" to see what exactly happened. 


We can get information about script by command

Code Block
python -h


Code Block
usage: [-h] [-d DESC] [-v VER] [-p PATH] [-t TAGS] [-i IDS]

Migration ASPIRE script. Migrate connector from ASPIRE version 4.0 to ASPIRE
version 5.0

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d DESC, --desc DESC  Custom description of all migrated ASPIRE objects
                        (seed, connector, connection, credential)
  -v VER, --ver VER     Version of transformation matrix.
  -p PATH, --path PATH  Path to connector file zip.
  -t TAGS, --tags TAGS  Tags for seed.
  -i IDS, --ids IDS     Ids with should be used in seed or connection

Check log after migration. All is well that ends well.

Ability to change version of template

Templates are in directory "migration_template"

The structure of the project looks similarily as an situation below.

-- migration

-- migration_template

-- 4.1

-- default

-- aspire-filesystem-source

-- aspire-sharepointonline-source

-- aspire-smb-source

-- type_transform_matrix.json

Connectors can have different properties related to their version 4.0, 4.1, 5.0, 5.1 etc. When we want to work with different version than "default", we need to create new directory there "4.1" everything from directory "default" needs to be copied to this new directory. Changes needs to be done in "*_transform_matrix.json" for current connector.

  • Install Python 3.11
  • Install Pycharm Comunity

In Pycharm go to File → Settings → Python Interpreter

Setup path to where is python

Install missing libraries urllib3, wheel, xmltodict, orjson by "+" button

Windows cmd

install Python 3.11

Update Path in environment variables:



install pip

python -m pip install --upgrade pip --trusted-host

install virtualenv

pip install virtualenv --trusted-host

Create virtual env in python project where file is

virtualenv venv

Activate virtual env


Install necessary libraries

pip install urllib3 --trusted-host

pip install wheel --trusted-host

pip install xmltodict --trusted-host

pip install orjson --trusted-host

Python libraries used

os.path, json, urlparse, xmltodict, urllib3, zipfile, sys, datetime, logging, argparse

Step-by-step guide

  1. Run Aspire 4.0 and Aspire 5.0

  2. Download zip file of connector from Aspire 4.0
  3. setup Aspire 5.0 url in file, if you are using private certificates, needs to be setup also certificates


Code Block
URL_ASPIRE = "http://localhost:50505/aspire/_api" 
# --- https with certificates
# CA_CERTS = ('client-2048.crt', 'client-2048.key')
# http = urllib3.PoolManager(cert_reqs='REQUIRED', ca_certs=CA_CERTS) 

     4. Run script

Code Block
python -p

      5. After few second connector is migrated to Aspire 5.0, objects "seed", "connection", "connector", "credential" created with description "migration-{date}".

You can also check the created report about migration "migration-{date}.log" which will be in the  directory "reports" to see what exactly happened. 


We can get information about script by command

Code Block
python -h


Code Block
usage: [-h] [-d DESC] [-v VER] [-p PATH] [-t TAGS] [-i IDS]

Migration ASPIRE script. Migrate connector from ASPIRE version 4.0 to ASPIRE
version 5.0

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d DESC, --desc DESC  Custom description of all migrated ASPIRE objects
                        (seed, connector, connection, credential)
  -v VER, --ver VER     Version of transformation matrix.
  -p PATH, --path PATH  Path to connector file zip.
  -t TAGS, --tags TAGS  Tags for seed.
  -i IDS, --ids IDS     Ids with should be used in seed or connection

Check log after migration. All is well that ends well.

Ability to change version of template

Templates are in directory "migration_template"

The structure of the project looks similarily as an situation below.

-- migration

-- migration_template

-- 4.1

-- default

-- aspire-filesystem-source

-- aspire-sharepointonline-source

-- aspire-smb-source

-- type_transform_matrix.json

Connectors can have different properties related to their version 4.0, 4.1, 5.0, 5.1 etc. When we want to work with different version than "default", we need to create new directory there "4.1" everything from directory "default" needs to be copied to this new directory. Changes needs to be done in "*_transform_matrix.json" for current connector.

After we are done with changes, After we are done with changes, script must be run with other parameter "-v [name of new directory]"


Code Block

This content of the file is only to show, what all of ids can be setup and in the real situation  "connection" in "Seed" must be deleted if we want to also setup connection and same This content of the file is only to show, what all of ids can be setup and in the real situation  "connection" in "Seed" must be deleted if we want to also setup connection and same for the situation credential in connection. Because these objects will be replaced and not created in script.


Code Block
#credential json body
  "properties": {
    "domain": "ad",
    "username": "svcRS01VF4D1FS01_SMB",
    "password": "encrypted:E52FA744FE5F255D982B6AEF12BCBA0F20A3E725DDD2D3D74A6FE5A70A931FCD"
  "type": "smb",
  "description": "migration smb-2023-01-26_11-58-48",
  "deleteIncrementalPolicy": "e6165aa0-fb7d-490a-98da-f90032f0b886",
  "throttlePolicy": "c080798a-fd43-484b-bafb-2891b555ab3e",
# connection "routingPolicies": [json body
# connection json body
  "type""type": "smb",
  "description": "migration smb-2023-01-26_11-58-48",
  "properties": {
    "host": "smb://",
  "credential": "babe0cc5-7223-4ed5-80c1-fa992d9a6a2f",
  "deleteIncrementalPolicy": "e6165aa0-fb7d-490a-98da-f90032f0b886",
  "throttlePolicy": "c080798a-fd43-484b-bafb-2891b555ab3e",
  "routingPolicies": [
# seed json body
  "type": "smb",
  "description": "migration smb-2023-01-26_11-58-48",
  "connector": "ec658f0b-1ea1-407f-8b8c-1b5c38da09f8",
  "connection": "e6cf3d33-1914-48c0-9b2f-89d45e8adcbf",
  "seed": "/",
  "properties": {
    "seed": "/"
  "tags": null,
  "workflows": [
  "deleteIncrementalPolicy": "e6165aa0-fb7d-490a-98da-f90032f0b886",
  "throttlePolicy": "c080798a-fd43-484b-bafb-2891b555ab3e",
  "routingPolicies": [


Code Block
python __init.py__ -d migr -p

Content by Label
cqllabel = "kb-how-to-article" and type = "page" and space = "ASPIRE50"

Ability to work with relative path

Migration xml files can contain relative path to other configuration files. Script can change automatically relative path to absolute path but must be run with parameter "-a [absolute path to aspire 4.0 distribution]"

Code Block
python __init.py__ -a C:\aspire-4.0 -p

Ability to use the crawl path/folder to the Seed name and host/url to the Connection name the by using an argument

Script can change description to path/folder, host/url by run with parameter "-u"

Code Block
python __init.py__  -p -u
Page properties
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