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This page maintains a list of all of the updates for

version 3.3

of Aspire.

On this page:

Table of Contents

Related pages:

, Aspire requires a license file to run.

See Aspire Licensing for information on obtaining a license.

The following are the NoSQL DB providers supported by the Aspire 3.3 release:

  • MongoDB version 3.6
  • HBase version 1.2.4

The supported version of Elasticsearch is 6.3.0

The supported version of StageR is 1.2   Note:  The latest version of Stager is v. 1.2 and it supports MongoDB v. 3.4.10 

Below you can find a list of the updates for this version.

New and Enhanced Features

Aspire Core and Framework Components

  • Salted Challenge Response Authentication Mechanism (SCRAM) support has been added to the MongoDB used with Aspire.
  • The ability to dynamically load jar files has been added to Aspire with Java 9.
  • When starting Aspire either normally or in debug mode, the debug line in the settings.xml file is handled appropriately. 
  • A section has been added to the settings.xml file for HBase information.

  • Logging of remote IP addresses for successful or failed logins will now occur.

  • The Mongo provider now encrypts/hashes IDs.
  • Record fields have been improved.
  • Entitlements checking no longer checks missing components at every restart.

  • Time zones have been normalized for Aspire, including logs and statistics.

  • The documentation has been updated for Keytab/Kerberos.
  • Improvements have been added to Job usage.
  • Updates have been made to the ExtractText default configuration limit for text extracted from a stream.
  • List page retrieval and metadata extraction have been improved in SharePoint Commons.

Aspire UI

  • To re-fetch entitled components (after deleting the Resources folder), an "Allow Refresh" button has been added.
  • The ability to show Provider Information has been added.


  • Aspider
    • A Headless browser has been added for rendering dynamically generated pages (client-side JavaScript pages).
  • IBM Connections
  • Elastic
  • SharePoint 2010

    • On the Multiple URls drop-down, when the 'Site Discovery' option is set, the 'Set List View' option is removed. 

  • SharePoint Online
    • An NPE at crawl end error could occur if bad credentials were used.
    • Incremental crawls no longer detect containers as updated items.
    • Scan recursively was not working as expected.

  • SMB

    • Added DFS support and override last access date of documents
  • Twitter


  • Elasticsearch
    • Case sensitive index names can be handled properly now.
  • Google Cloud Search
    • A new Google Cloud Search (GCS) publisher receives content from Aspire connectors and uses the Java Client library to index the content into Cloud Search.
  • HBase
    • Content can now be deleted.
    • During a full crawl, the publisher now defaults to clean.
    • When not in file configuration mode, the publisher can now be used without security. 

  • Publish to StageR
    • Field level help has been added for the special scope $record.


  • The Entitlements Admin application has been updated.

Bug Fixes

Aspire Core and Framework Components

  • Admin UI
    • The ability to configure a weekly schedule could cause an error when saving
  • Aspire Application
    • ConfigManager could log a debug message into {aspire.home}/logs/configmanager.log

    • A problem could occur when editing a custom application in the Admin UI

    • Startup problems could occur using the Staging Publisher
  • Connector Framework
    • When stopping and restarting Aspire while the GroupDownload process was running, the group download did not start again

  • MongoDB Provider
    • The LDAP Cache could report a MongoDB Duplicate key error

    • Aspider could stop with a MongoDB Duplicate key error

  • SharePoint Commons

    • An out of memory (OOM) exception could occur during large crawls

    • Added support for incrementals using Aspire Snapshots on SP
  • The Aspire Archetype had "http" rather than "https" repository and entitlement URLs
  • Failed to connect to Artifactory with custom keystore. Artifactory certificates were added to the distribution. See:
  • AspireObject was casting an incorrect numeric type when created from JSON
  • The AspireObject isEmpty method returned true even if the object had children

  • The processDeletes (String) was missing a Status page
  • The Aspire Connector Framework was not using shouldScan during incremental crawls
  • When running a full crawl, a "Provider 'encrypted' not installed" message could occur
  • The Mongo provider generated an invalid JSON object during document conversion

  • Audit logs were incomplete
  • For AIP integration, the logout action was not being logged

  • Publisher framework retryDelay, retryDelayMultiplier and maxRetryDelay properties were not supported by Dynamic XML Forms (DFX)

  • The Aspire-Services jar file was missing a noSQL package

  • The "Loading Application" message could display whether a connector was loading or not

  • Extract Text
    • Use the Apache Tika SAX Parser for Microsoft documents
  • Scheduler
    • The option to create a Cache Groups scheduler was not being displayed

Aspire UI

  • A Connector component might not show the actual state of a crawl
  • The link that points to the Confluence wiki has been updated


  • Aspider
    • An authentication form error could occur indicating "Target host is not specified while crawling"
    • Neither NTLM nor ADFS authentication was occurring when a host was specified in the Credentials
    • On any port, the Port field was not working correctly with any value except "-1"

    • A crawl could cause a warning about duplicate IDs in MongoDB

    • To indicate that the Gateway was not working, the exception message in ADFS needed updating 

  • Confluence

    • ACLs info appeared inside the hierarchy section

    • A batch error could display while publishing to Elasticsearch 6.3.0
  • Documentum
    • Exception was being thrown during Group Expansion
  • File System
    • Starting Directories in the File option was not working as expected
  • IBM Connections

    • The connector needed to use the Aspire GroupExpansion instead of SharePoint Integrated security with an optimized IBM Connections Group Downloader
    • Memory leaks could occur
    • During an incremental crawl, the deletes of Blogs, Wikis and Files were not working
    • The Content crawled from IBM Connection did not contain a last-modified date. The problem was with the date format
  • Kafka
    • A "NO-NAME" field could occur

  • SharePoint 2010

    • A problem could occur when identifying the site-collections for a WEB-Application
    • When adding a link on a site collection to crawl, [NO-NAME] should not be part of the name attribute in the hierarchy section
    • No error should occur during the incremental crawl for the Blog site collection
    • No errors should occur when crawling a specified list (views included)
  • SharePoint 2013

    • When crawling incrementals for an External list, the connector was not picking up the changes
    • When crawling SP2013, errors such as "HTTP Error 400. The size of the request headers is too Long" might occur
    • KeyNotFoundException while trying to check attachments for list with lookup references deleted

    • Crawl a list and the name in the hierarchy of the documents will be displayed as NO-NAME even though the items have  title field.
    • The placeholder needed to be changed for the 'Seeds file' field

    • The connector was unable to crawl large lists

  • SharePoint 2016

    • An error could occur while crawling site

  • SharePoint Online

    • NPE crawling on distributed mode. Random NPE in the item complete callback

    • String index out of range while getting a List display url

    • Error while crawling after a crawl was stopped: Item parent wasn't assigned during crawl

  • Standalone Mode

    • When a user added a custom connector, feedback needed to be provided by the Aspire UI
  • Staging Repository
    • A global variable was not working when configuring the server in the Staging Repository connector

    • When crawling over multiple documents and publishing at two different scopes, the items published could be duplicated

    • The Stager connection could be broken when running a full crawl


  • Stager BDC Plugin could randomly fail during the crawls after setup

  • Elasticsearch
    • DeleteByQuery was not being used with Elasticsearch 6.1.1
  • GCS Publisher

    • A resource config/application.xml was missing on the jar file

    • A relative path was not working in the Credentials Key File field
    • An error could occur when crawling and publishing to GCS

  • Kafka
    • An error could be masked when running a non-batched job

  • Publish to Avro
    • Validation needed to be added to the Time Rollover Threshold field

  • TLS 1.2 support was needed for the SharePoint Security Pre Trimmer


  • Azure Group Expander could refuse to start.

  • Group Expansion failed if user data exceeded the Mongo Max Document Limit (16MB)

  • For Aspire Distributed mode, Services in the master node were not starting automatically after saving changes
  • Errors to reflect failed Services were not being generated
  • Services that were set up in an Aspire cluster were not synced up correctly

  • Azure Active Directory Group Expander
    • Users were not being removed

  • Group Expansion Service
    • The userGroupCache map was accessed when the Group Expansion Service was running
  • LDAP Cache Service

    • The controls did not display and the Schedule was set to Advanced even if Minutes or Hourly were set

    • Problems with  LDAP-Cache component could include: reporting a duplicate key error twice, stopping with a duplicate error, taking too long, and refresh refusing to start. The connector could not look up ACL information in the LDAP-Cache component

  • You are now able to check the user’s cache for the Azure Group Expander via the Debug console


  • Archive Extractor
    • The "Send delete by query first" option could throw an exception

    • Deleting files inside of an archive file was not handled properly for incremental crawls

  • AVRO Extractor

    • During an incremental crawl, a "duplicate key error" message could display

Known Issues


  • FTP 

    • FTP connector is only working with Unix systems and not in Windows
  • Twitter
    • Full/Incremental crawls for retweets are not working


New Features

  • Brand new Connector Framework (for more information check here)

  • Several connectors refactored and migrated to the new framework.

  • Refactored Group Expansion to use MongoDB.

  • Improved and redesigned User Interface.

  • Added the creationDate filter option and Progressive Retries for Jive Source Connector.
  • New applications: Archive and PST Extractor.

  • New Connector: Documentum DQL 

Bug Fixes

Aspire Core

  • Fixed issue on DXF with the escapeValue flag.

  • Workflow - Validation allows to re-save a workflow rule.

  • Workflow - Component with a DXF text field is now saved.

  • Workflow - Deleting Components now works properly.

  • Scheduler General Tab - Content Source configuration saved is now being displayed in the UI.

  • UI - Deleting references do not delete application if shared.

  • Failover - After a single instance full crawl it's possible to run another one.

  • Aspire Framework crashing when include/exclude pattern is left empty.

  • Hierarchy Extractor - Fixed NPE.

  • Workflow - Rules are editable even if disabled.

  • General Auditing fixes.


  • Field Mapper

Multiple Source Mappings not updating correctly.


  • eRoom

Extension List option and Open Data Stream not working with the Groovy script.

ACLs not fetching when the option is checked.
Fixed Non-text Document Filtering issues.
Include/exclude patterns not working at all.
Hierarchy is not being updated after moving document to a different place.
Adds/Deletes reported for the same Places.
Group Expansion not retrieving all users.
Security plugin being used even when selecting Entitlements API option.
Some unused metadata info being retrieved.
Multiple Public groups in Jive ACLs.
Some minor UI issues.
  • IBM Connections
  • ACLs not being extracted.

    • TeamForge

    Exclude pattern works as expected.


    • Pub2HDFS 

    WebHDFS exception.


    • JMS

    Now loading correctly.

    Known Issues

     Aspire Core 

    • Aspire does not detect changes in the connector settings and is not asking to save them.
    • New NoSQLSet utility class is not working as expected.
    • Source Connector disabled in distributed scenario crawls items and counts them in the statistics.
    • Auditing Tool - filtering by "Batch" and "All" & "Job and All" is not working.
    • Debug console broken in Firefox.
    • Aspire does not load even after the console says is loaded.
    • Add option does not show results when filtering from the last page.


    • Archive Extractor

    Deletion is not working with file names with special characters.

    "Index Archive file job" is throwing exceptions or is not adding the job requested.

    • PST Extractor

    Connector indexes containers.


    • Aspire Connector Archetype

    Aspire connector archetype not compiling because of a wrong dependency. In order to make it work, change the "aspire-connector-framework" dependency version from 3.0 to 3.1

    • FTP

    Special characters are not handled properly for filenames and content. 

    • IBM Connections

    Adds are reported as Updates.

    • RDB Tables

    Need to flush jobs on RDB Source Connector.

    • RDB Snapshot

    Source - Full crawl not working. Console and UI got stuck.

    • SharePoint 2010

    NPE when Domain is empty.

    • SharePoint 2013

    Items crawled and Items with error are the same if domain is empty.

    • Staging Repository

    "Cannot get content source from job" error when Content Source field is not specified.


    • OCR

    Publish to staging is not being added to the Workflow section when connector is added. 

    To Be Released

    • RightNow
    • Salesforce

    External Technical Limitations  


    • Changes in Box notes content are not considered for incremental crawls.
    • Changes made to the attachments of the item type Opportunity in Salesforce are not considered for incremental crawls.

    Important Note 

    • MapDB is not used in the new connector framework.
    • Google Cloud Search
      • Bundle location error loading the publisher for the first time
      • NullPointerException publishing with Batch and Content Type Raw options
      • ItemUploadRequest exception
      • Pending required field validation for the 'Indexer Type' field