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Installing SharePoint 2013

Please refer to How to Install SharePoint 2013

Batch Encryption

It is possible to use data encryption with the Intermediate Repository. The SP2013 Publisher was tested using EFS.



XSL Transformation is missing fields

If you are getting the following error in the AspireBDCService.log

ERROR SearchTechnologies.Aspire.SharePoint.Publisher.AspireDal.DocumentDao System.ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added.
   at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.Insert(TKey key, TValue value, Boolean add)
   at SearchTechnologies.Aspire.SharePoint.Publisher.AspireDal.DocumentDao.<>c__DisplayClass6.<GetDocuments>b__4(XElement doc)
   at System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel.<>c__DisplayClass32`2.<PartitionerForEachWorker>b__30()
   at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.InnerInvokeWithArg(Task childTask)
   at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.<>c__DisplayClass11.<ExecuteSelfReplicating>b__10(Object param0)



It may be that you are missing to fill one of the mandatory fields in the xslt, the mandatory fields are:

  • Title
  • Author
  • Display URL
  • Description

They came in the default XSL transformation file File:AspireToSP2013.xml. Please verify these fields are filled in with actual data from your content source. and then retry a Full Crawl.


500 Internal Server Error during failover recovery

After a failover recovery, the server that picks up the crawl may throw an Internal Server Error while trying to communicate with the Notification Endpoint. This may be caused because the previous server failed when the Intermediate Repository folder for the content source was created but the content source and BDC model on the SharePoint 2013 Server were not created. Check the Search Service Application and the BDC Service Application to confirm this.


In case this is the issue, you can delete the Intermediate Repository folder of the content source and restart the full crawl.

Errors in Notification Service Log

The Notification Service logs are sent to the SP2013 ULS Logs. You can find them by filtering the logs using the "Product" column as "Aspire". ULS Viewer is a great tool for this.

Access denied by Business Data Connectivity

The error message will look like:

Error Deploying Data Model: Microsoft.SharePoint.BusinessData.Parser.PackageFormatException Access denied by Business Data Connectivity.
    Error was encountered at or just before Line: '0' and Position: '0'.
   at Microsoft.SharePoint.BusinessData.SharedService.BdcServiceApplicationProxy.Execute[T](String operationName, UInt32 maxRunningTime, ExecuteDelegate`1 operation, Boolean performCanaryCheck, Boolean isChannelThatDelegatesIdentity)
   at Microsoft.SharePoint.BusinessData.SharedService.BdcServiceApplicationProxy.ImportPackage(String xml, String[]& errors, PackageContents packageContents, AdministrationMetadataCatalogStruct adminStruct, String settingId, Boolean updateModel, Guid jobId)
   at Microsoft.SharePoint.BusinessData.Administration.AdministrationMetadataCatalog.ImportPackage(String xml, String[]& errors, PackageContents packageContents, String settingId, Boolean updateModel, Guid jobId)
   at SearchTechnologies.Aspire.SharePoint.Publisher.Notification.AspireNotificationService.DeployBdcModel(String bdcsName, String modelXml, String modelName, String ectName, String ectNamespaceName, String userName)
   at SearchTechnologies.Aspire.SharePoint.Publisher.Notification.AspireNotificationService.DeployAspireDataModel(String searchAppName, String bdcsName, String aspireBDCUrl, String contentSourceName)

This is caused by the Application Pool user in IIS for the Web Application that has the publisher installed.


Verify that the Application Pool user is either the same user as the one configured in Aspire for the Notification Service or assign the corresponding roles to the pool user as requested.

The IMetadataObject with Name '<model name>' has a value in Field 'name' that is duplicated

The error message will look like:

The IMetadataObject with Name 'Connections - QA-Model' has a value in Field 'name' that is duplicated.
        Error was encountered at or just before Line: '2' and Position: '2'.

It is caused by an existing BDC model which hinders the new BDC model from being deployed (during the process of Content Source creation).


Remove the BDC model and try again.


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