The Publish to FAST application utilises the Post To FAST component to publish content to a FAST ESP server using the content API. The content can be all the children of a specific tag in the document or all the top level children of the document.

The application can be configured to use a default collection to post content to or the collection can be derived from the AspireObject.

This application can also provide callbacks to the FAST Listener Application Bundle

Application Configuration

Fast Content DistributorsString
The list of FAST content distributors to supply to the content API in the form: host:port[;host:port;....].
Default Fast Collectionstring
The name of the FAST collection to post to (if not specified in the job).
Document id pathString/doc/@docIdThe path in the document of the tag holding the document id.
Document action pathString/doc/@actionThe path in the document of the tag holding the action.
Document collection pathString/doc/collectionThe path in the document of the tag holding the collection.
Content tag
StringThe tag in the Aspire document from which content should be read. If specified, each direct child of this tag will be submitted to FAST. If omitted, every direct child of the root of the document will be submitted to FAST.
Max Batch SizeInteger10Maximum batch size per document to post to FAST.
Max Batch Timelong60,000 ms
Maximum batch time out in milliseconds.
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