The Post FS4SP Stage stage uses a properties mapping file to create a FAST Document mapping AspireObject properties with FS4SP Managed Properties that already exist on the search engine, the FAST Document is then sent to the content distributor service (default on port 13391 of the FS4SP installation) via the contentAPI.

The stage also allows to configure the FS4SP collection to send the documents to and supports job batching, see Branch Handler.


fastServerStringlocalhost:13391Comma separated list of server:port for the FS4SP Content Distributors.
The name of the Fast collection the document should be indexed in to.
idPathString/doc/fetchUrlThe location of the document id in the AspireObject (required for the FAST API).
actionPathString/doc/actionThe action to be performed (one of unknown, noChange, insert, update or delete).
10 minutes
Fast API timeout in ms.
fastWaitForSecurebooleanfalseWait for a secured callback from Fast before allowing the job to complete.
fastWaitForIdxbooleanfalseWait for an indexed callback from Fast before allowing the job to complete.
maxBatchSizelong1000The maximum number of documents to add to a batch before sending to Fast.
15 minutes
The maximum time to wait before sending documents in a batch to Fast if the document count has not reached the maxBatchSize.
Debug file to write documents to before sending to Fast.
Location of the properties mapping file. See Properties Mapping File for more information.

Properties Mapping File

The properties mapping file specifies an association between AspireObject properties and FS4SP managed properties. The property type is also specified.

How to specify an Aspire property

Use AXPath to specify the location of the AspireObject property


List of available property types

  • string
  • integer
  • long
  • date
  • boolean
  • acl: string with user/group name. Will be encoded as base32 text.
  • byte: byte array

Input Example

  <property aspire="/doc/fetchUrl[.]" fast="fetchurl" type="string"/>
  <property aspire="/doc/displayUrl[.]" fast="displayurl" type="string"/>
  <property aspire="/doc/lastModified[.]" fast="lastmodifieddate" type="date"/>
  <property aspire="/doc/ancestorInformation/ancestors/ancestorId/@md5" fast="ancestorid" type="string"/>
  <property aspire="/doc/ancestorInformation/parentId/@md5" fast="parentid" type="string"/>
  <property aspire="/doc/ancestorInformation/itemId/@md5" fast="itemid" type="string"/>
  <property aspire="/doc/ancestorInformation/itemName[.]" fast="itemname" type="string"/>
  <property aspire="/doc/ancestorInformation/itemLevel[.]" fast="itemlevel" type="integer"/>
  <property aspire="/doc/ancestorInformation/itemType[.]" fast="itemtype" type="string"/>
  <property aspire="/doc/ancestorInformation/ancestorTypes[.]" fast="ancestortypes" type="string"/>
  <property aspire="/doc/ancestorInformation/ancestorsDisplay[.]" fast="ancestorsdisplay" type="string"/>
  <property aspire="/doc/connectorSpecific/@type" fast="sourcetype" type="string"/>
  <property aspire="/doc/connectorSource/displayName[.]" fast="displayname" type="string"/>
  <property aspire="/doc/title[.]" fast="title" type="string"/>
  <property aspire="/doc/content[.]" fast="data" type="string"/>
  <property aspire="/doc/docType[.]" fast="doctype" type="string"/>
  <property aspire="/doc/acls/acl[@entity='group' or @entity='user']/@name" fast="docacls" type="acl"/>

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