How To: Change the Intermediate Repository Path

Before doing any changes to the publisher components, the new Repository folder has to have the following:

  • Read/Write permissions for the AspireUsers group or at least for the account(s) you are using to access the folder.
  • The Shared Path of the new folder.
  • The folder has to be accessible from the servers running the Aspire Distribution and the AspireBDCService.

Aspire SP2013 Publisher

For the Aspire SP2013 Publisher you only need to change the Repository Path on the publisher's configuration and click save.


    • Go to IIS and look for the AspireBDCService site.
    • Right click on the site and then click Explore.
    • Look for the web.config file and open it.
    • Under <appSettings> look for the "RepositoryPath" key and set the new path.
    • Save it.

Note: IIS should recycle the AppPool for the AspireBDCService automatically, but if it doesn't, then manually recycle it by selecting "Application Pools", then AspireBDCService and click on Recycle.

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