The Copy to HDFS stage copies a local file/folder into HDFS.

Communication to HDFS will be through the HDFS API FileSystem methods.


hdfsLocationStringhdfs://localhost:8020The HDFS Namenode URL.
The path within the HDFS server where the data will be copied to.
The folder where the data to be copied to HDFS is located.
overwritebooleanfalseWhether or not to overwrite the HDFS folder when copying
validatebooleanfalseWhether or not to validate if the local file/folder data contains valid AspireInputFormat


This section provides an example of Copy To HDFS configuration to a local HDFS server.

<component name="PostHDFS" subType="copy-to-hdfs" factoryName="aspire-hadoop-hdfs">


The AspireObject output will be the same as the input AspireObject as the job acts just like a trigger to perform the copy.

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