This component uses the REST API to fetch users and groups from SharePoint Online. One single call is done to get all the users and groups from each site collection url specified on the connector configuration. All users and groups information is cached.

Note: The SharePoint Online group expansion will only return users and groups inside SharePoint. To get the Azure AD group information, you need to install the Azure AD Group Expander.

SharePoint Online Group Expansion (Aspire 2)
Factory Name com.searchtechnologies.aspire:aspire-sharepointonline-scanner
subType scanner
Inputs A Job containing a group expansion request
Outputs A Job containing a group expansion result


Username used to authenticate against SharePoint.
passwordstringN/APassword used to authenticate against SharePoint.
(=30 mins)
The cache timeout in ms.
URLs of site collections from which groups will be gathered (more that one allowed).
groupPrefixSeparatorstring@The separator inserted between the site URL and the SharePoint group name when extracting groups from sites.

Example Configurations

<component name="GroupExpansionScheduler" subType="default" factoryName="aspire-scheduler">
    <schedule name="GECache" enabled="true">
        <doc actionProperties="cacheGroups">
    <branch event="onGECache" pipelineManager="Main" />
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