Required Confluence version

Supported versions are

  • Confluence 3.5, 4.x,5.1, 5.2

Before installing the Aspire Confluence Connector, make sure that:

  • Confluence is up and running
  • Confirm that the remote API is enabled on Confluence; for more information see here
  • You have all the certificates you need to log into the site if your Confluence instance is in a secure connection (HTTPS)
  • You have a Confluence client login with sufficient permissions to crawl documents for indexing (at least Admin level permissions)
  • You have decided how the space ACL's are going to be retrieved:
    • If the plugin will be used: Confirm that the plugin is installed, up and running. See Confluence ACL Plugin for more info.
    • Otherwise, verify that the "Secure Administrator Session" is disabled. See here for more info.

You will need the client login information later, as part of installing the Confluence Connector.

Windows or Linux

The Aspire Confluence connector can run on either Windows or Linux. It uses web services over HTTP or HTTPS to communicate with Confluence.

Confluence web services used are:

  • Confluence Remote API V1 for Confluence 3.5
  • Confluence Remote API V2 for Confluence 4+
  • Confluence Remote API V2 for Confluence 5+

These services should be started and running automatically if Confluence is up and running. These are required for the Aspire Confluence Connector to successfully connect with the Confluence docbase that you want to index.

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