This component uses the REST API v3 from the community to fetch users and user group information. Multiple calls are made to the API - one to get all the users from the community and one for each discovered user to get it's groups from the community. All users and groups information is cached.

JIVE Group Expansion (Aspire 2)
Factory Name com.searchtechnologies.aspire:aspire-scheduler
subType default
Inputs A Job containing a group expansion request
Outputs A Job containing a group expansion result


urlstringnoneThe url to the Jive Community.
userstringnoneThe name of the user that is going to be use for the crawl
passwordstringnoneThe password of the user.
Number of elements that are going to be fetched per call.

Example Configurations

<component name="GroupExpansionScheduler" subType="default" factoryName="aspire-scheduler" enable="true">
    <schedule name="GECache" enabled="true">
      <cron>0 0 12 ? * *</cron>
          <doc actionProperties="cacheGroups">
    <branch event="onGECache" pipelineManager="Main" />

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