A couple of important things to emphasize about the Google connector:

  1. This connector is not supported by Google and the latest documentation update was in August 2010.
  2. This connector only support one query to retrieve objects and if do you want include another object, you need to install

another connector, in other hand the Aspire SalesForce connector use multiples queries to retrieve many objects.

Both connectors fetch data directly from SalesForce via the SOAP API (documents/objects) and transforms it into content feeds.


The main differences between the Google SalesForce connector and the Aspire SalesForce connector are:

Object Construction

  1. The Google SalesForce connector uses the SalesForce WebService APIs to construct object summary documents. Data is retrieved from

SalesForce using its proprietory Query language over the WebService APIs.

  1. The Aspire SalesForce connector use the Enterprise WSDL of the organization together with others files to generate the enterprise-api.jar
([| Force.com Web Services]) to construct object summary documents. 
Data is retrieved from SalesForce using its proprietory Query language (SOQL). 

SOQL Queries

  1. When you configure a Google SalesForce connector, you provide a SOQL query describing the main object and its related objects which will retrieve the data.

The SOQL query must already have all the Parent-Child relationships defined in Salesforce such that all the data required is available in the Query response stream. The connector does not support nested queries so all the objects and related data must be available through one SQL statement.

  1. When you configure an Aspire SalesForce connector, you provide a SOQL queries file with one query per object type in the SalesForce server.

The connector does support nested queries. (more info Salesforce Developer FAQ)


  1. The Google SalesForce connector uses the username/password to acquire data from salesforce, must have atleast read access to all the fields requested in the

select query to get the data.

  1. The Aspire SalesForce connector uses the username/password, also uses a Security token (optional) to acquire data from salesforce, must have atleast read access to all

the fields requested in the queries in the SQueries file, also if you want to crawl the Chatter Feeds, you need to provide a Consumer Key of an App in SalesForce with access to the chatter feed.


  1. The SOAP response XML documents can be stored in several different ways. The StoreTypes are configurable per connector and are used to optionally save the documents for later

use by another GSA or for failure recovery. The various StoreTypes available:

  • MemoryStore: SOAP response documents are stored in memory until its read by the connector-manager thread. After its read, the entry is removed from memory automatically.
  • FileStore: The SOAP response is saved in the filesystem under /WEB-INF/connectors/salesforce-connector/connectorname/filestore folder.
  • JDBCStore: SOAP responses will get compressed stored in a database. Each connector instance will use the same database but will read/write from its own indexed table.
  1. The Aspire SalesForce connector does not support Store Types functionality.

Crawl Scope

  1. As is mentioned at the beginning the Google SalesForce Connector only allow to crawl one object type at the time.
  1. The Aspire SalesForce connector can crawl many object types at the same time:
  • Account
  • Campaign
  • Case
  • Contact
  • Contract
  • Document
  • Group
  • Idea
  • Lead
  • Opportunity
  • Partner
  • Pricebook
  • Product
  • Profile
  • Solution
  • Task
  • User
  • Attachment
  • Knowledge Article
    • Draft Articles
    • Published Articles
    • Archived Articles

For more info about the Aspire SalesForce connector you can visit: Aspire Salesforce For more info about the Google SalesForce connector you can visit: [| Google SalesForce]

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