Editing sQueries File

This document represents the data retrieved from Salesforce using SOQL, please modify this document only if you know the available fields and types of the sObject you want to modified, and you know how to use SOQL.

Each sObject tag represents a element type inside Salesforce, following the structure of this sObjects will be explain (please use the API Name for every field, you can check it in the setup/customize/<item>/fields section in Salesforce).

## Attributes ##
For each sObject it can be up to three attributes:
	* @type = Name of the a specific element type inside Saleforce (Not Optional)
	* @attachment = Boolean flag which indicates if this element type can have attachments. If not specified the default is false (Optional)
	* @nested = Boolean flag which indicates if this sObject has nested subfields for the specified references. If not specified the default is false (Optional)
## Children ##
Each sObject can have up to two children:

	* fields =  These are the fields that will be retrieved by the connector
	* nested = Indicates the fields to retrieve for a reference (all the fields that ends with "Id" e.g ParentId)
## Nested ##
To uses nested subfields you put subFields(<{name-of-the-reference}>) at the end of the fields inside fields tag
Inside the nested you put a tag with the name of the reference () and the reference's fields in this way:
	<name-of-the-reference>{name-of-the-reference}.Field1, {name-of-the-reference}.Field2, ...</name-of-the-reference>
In the case the reference can be map to many types you can do:
		TYPEOF {name-of-the-reference}
			WHEN {Type1} THEN Field1, Field2, ...
			WHEN {Type2} THEN FieldA
			WHEN {Type3} THEN FieldX1
		ELSE FieldDefault


  • The sQueries.xml is a template document from which the user can decide the fields to crawl, each SQueries.xml can be different for each Salesforce and is responsibility of the developer in charge of the installation of the connector to update or modify this document.
  • sQuieres.xml can use the SOQL TYPEOF, but this SOQL needs to be activated in the Salesforce environment.

Getting Knowledge Article Specific Info

You can crawl the KA (knowledge article) info in two ways:

  1. Generic

    This one will crawl only the standard fields of the KA.

  2. Specific

    This one will crawl all the custom fields for KA (you need to edit the sQueries file and add one for the specific KA type and fields).

Example: Do you want to add a new type for Offer KA type with custom fields myMail and lastAddress, use as base the query for KnowledgeArticleVersion:

	<sObject type="KnowledgeArticleVersion" nested="true">
		<fields>Id, KnowledgeArticleId, OwnerId, IsDeleted, PublishStatus, VersionNumber, IsLatestVersion, ... , LastPublishedDate, SourceId, ArticleType</fields>

	<sObject type="Offer__kav" nested="true">
		<fields>Id, KnowledgeArticleId, OwnerId, IsDeleted, PublishStatus, VersionNumber, IsLatestVersion, ... , LastPublishedDate, SourceId, ArticleType, myMail__c, lastAddress__c</fields>

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