
The Aspire RightNow connector was created and tested using the May 2014 version of Oracle RightNow Connect Web Services.

Oracle RightNow CX platform prerequisites

Before installing the Aspire RightNow Connector, make sure that:

  • Configure an Oracle RightNow CX May 2014 site for Connect Web Services access. To enable Connect Web Services, contact your Oracle account manager.
    • Newer versions of the API supporting Connect Web Services access may work, however this is not tested nor formally supported.
  • Create an Oracle RightNow CX profile with the Public SOAP API bit(s) selected.
  • Assign an Oracle RightNow CX staff account to the profile you just created.

You will need the account login information later, as part of installing the RightNow Connector.

Windows or Linux

The Aspire RightNow connector can run on either Windows or Linux. It uses SOAP web services over HTTPS to access the Oracle RightNow CX platform.

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