JMS Service

If you're not sure what JMS is, have a look at the Wikipedia entry here.

The JMS service allows you to install a simple Java Message System server inside Aspire. You can then connect clients to send and/or JMS messages via queues or topics available on the server.

There are many uses for JMS messaging, but in side Aspire it's used in the file system staging repository to allow near real time updates from the content repository (for instance Documentum) and the search engine via the staging repository.

Aspire's JMS Service uses code from the Apache ActiveMQ project to implement a JMS broker. It should be noted that Aspire's implementation is very simplistic, and if you need a JMS server that offers resilience, message forwarding or any advance messaging features, this is probably not the server for you. This implementation is more suited to testing or proof of concepts.

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