
The Debug flag is off in the Publisher config UI 

  1. All ERROR records will be written to the logs.
  2. Statistics information about each successfully written to GCS is included too.

The Debug flag is on in the Publisher config UI

Additional details about documents that are published are included in the log files.

Too many documents are indexed leading to a throughput rate higher than the quota limit assigned to the GCS API

Exponential backoff retry logic will be employed to attempt to still ingest records.


Where to locate the publisher log files


The log files for the Google Cloud Search publisher can be found in either:

  • The aspire.log/felix.log files in AspireRootDirectory/log folder where they will be commingled with other Aspire component log entries 


  • The AspireRootDirectory/log/{name of the publisher component}/PAP/PAP.log

Socket timeout exceptions are observed


The read/connection timeout settings should be increased.

  • No labels