
Are there any known limitations to the publisher?

Yes, please refer to this page for more information.

Where are the default Groovy transformation and custom schema files located?

  • Groovy transformation file:  Aspire → cache → appbundles → com.accenture.aspire → aspire-microsoft-search-publisher-source → <component version> → config → groovy
  • Custom schema definition file:  Aspire → cache → appbundles → com.accenture.aspire → aspire-microsoft-search-publisher-source → <component version> → config

Can nested data types be used when defining a custom schema?

No, only the data types specified here can be used and they are all included inside the properties node.  Nothing can be defined outside that.



Crawls keep throwing http 429 errors.


Http 429 errors may occasionally happen when doing requests to a Microsoft cloud based service.  The publisher component has internal retry logic to try to mitigate the issue but sometimes it might not be enough.  In those cases a new crawl can be executed to pick up the items that failed and attempt to index them.

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