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The JMS Feeder component monitors a JMS queue and publishes the received messages to an Aspire pipeline. By default, the queue is configured for ActiveMQ, but can also be configured using JNDI for any JMS queue provider. The queue can be a queue or a topic, and may be durable.

When started, the feeder listens to the queue. When an XML message is received, the id and the action of the message are extracted from the message. The location of these items is specified as an xpath in the configuration. The message is then optionally transformed using XSLT before being published on an event based on the action.

Note: There is no difference in operation between full and incremental feeding for this feeder. After it is started, the feeder listens for messages until it is stopped.

This feeder is based on the Simple Feeder

JMS Message Feeder
Factory Namecom.searchtechnologies.aspire:aspire-jmsfeeder
InputsJMS Queue
OutputsAn AspireObject containing data from the JMS message, published to the configured pipeline manager.


This feeder takes all parameters from the Simple Feeder plus the following:

feederLabelstringJMSFeedThe feeder label submitted in the <feederLabel> of the published document and when querying the CCD.
queue NoneThe JMS Queue to listen on. See below.
message/@idPathString/doc/fetchUrlThe xpath to the document id in the received message.
message/@actionPathString/doc/@actionThe xpath to the document action in the received message. The action should be on of insert, update or delete.
message/@transformStringNoneThe name of the file holding the XSLT to apply to the incomming message before forwarding on to the pipeline.
eventsStringSee belowThe events to publish documents against. See below.

Queue Configuration

The JMS feeder listens on a configurable JMS queue.

queue/@nameStringNoneThe name of the JMS queue to listen on.
queue/@clientIdStringNoneThe id of this feeder given to the JMS broker.
queue/@topicBooleanfalseTrue if using a JMS Topic rather than a queue.
queue/@durableBooleanfalseTrue if this JMS Queue or Topic is durable.
queue/@transactedBooleanfalseTrue if this JMS Queue or Topic is transacted.
queue/@jndiBooleanfalseFalse if the connection to this JMS Queue or Topic is to be made using the built-in ActiveMQ libraries. True if you wish to use JNDI to specify the connection method. In this case, you should use the jndi/prop elements of the configuration to specify the required configuration. Multiple jndi/prop elements are permitted. At a minimum you should set:
queue/jndi/prop/@nameStringNoneThe name of a JNDI property to set. The property will be set before the connection to the queue is connected to.
queue/jndi/prop/@valueStringNoneThe value of the named JNDI property to set. The property will be set before the connection to the queue is connected to.
queue/jndi/classPathStringNoneThe class path of jar files needed for the classes used in the JNDI connection. This is a list of jar files (relative to Aspire home) separated by the path separator character (: on Unix and ; on Windows).

Event Configuration

The JMSfeeder publishes differing actions against differing events meaning different pipelines can be used to handle different actions.

events/insert/@eventStringonPublishThe event to publish against for an insert.
events/update/@eventStringonPublishThe event to publish against for an update.
events/delete/@eventStringonDeleteThe event to publish against for a delete.

Branch Configuration

The JMSfeeder publishes documents using the branch manager. It publishes using the events configured above. You must therefore include <branches> for these events in the configuration to publish to a pipeline within a pipeline manager. See Branch Handler for more details.

Example Configurations

Simple Configuration

 <component name="EM3UpdateFeeder" subType="default" factoryName="aspire-jmsfeeder">
   <queue name="EM3UpdateQueue" durable="true" topic="true" clientId="AspireQueueFeeder" />
   <message idPath="/update/@entityId" actionPath="/update/@entityAction" transform="config/jmsUpdate2Aspire.xsl"/>
     <branch event="onPublish" pipelineManager="EM3Update-pipe-manager" pipeline="EM3Publish-pipeline" />
     <branch event="onUpdate" pipelineManager="EM3Update-pipe-manager" pipeline="EM3Update-pipeline" />
     <branch event="onDelete" pipelineManager="EM3Update-pipe-manager" pipeline="EM3Delete-pipeline" />

Complex Configuration

 <component name="EM3UpdateFeeder" subType="default" factoryName="aspire-jmsfeeder">
   <queue name="EM3UpdateQueue" durable="true" topic="true" clientId="AspireQueueFeeder1" jndi="true">
       <prop name="java.naming.factory.initial" value="org.apache.activemq.jndi.ActiveMQInitialContextFactory"/>
       <prop name="java.naming.provider.url" value="tcp://localhost:61616"/>
       <jar file="lib/activemq-core-5.0.0.jar"/>
   <message idPath="/update/@entityId" actionPath="/update/@entityAction" transform="config/jmsUpdate2Aspire.xsl"/>
     <insert event="onPublish"/>
     <update event="onUpdate"/>
     <delete event="onDelete"/>
     <branch event="onPublish" pipelineManager="EM3Update-pipe-manager" pipeline="EM3Publish-pipeline" />
     <branch event="onUpdate" pipelineManager="EM3Update-pipe-manager" pipeline="EM3Update-pipeline" />
     <branch event="onDelete" pipelineManager="EM3Update-pipe-manager" pipeline="EM3Delete-pipeline" />

Websphere JNDI Queue Configuration

The following JNDI configuration works against a JMS queue under WebSphere 7:

 <queue name="jms/topic/searchevents" connectionFactoryName="jms/cf/searchevents" durable="true" topic="true" clientId="UpdateFeeder" jndi="true">
     <prop name="java.naming.factory.initial" value=""/>
     <prop name="java.naming.provider.url" value="iiop://dev:2809"/>
     <prop name="org.omg.CORBA.ORBClass" value=""/>


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