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Welcome to the Getting Started Tutorial

  • Install Saga, Saga Server Parser, and Saga UI.
  • Get an idea of how to start a Saga project using the Saga UI (no programming knowledge needed).


  1. MongoDB 3.4+
  2. Node JS 6+
  3. Maven

Step 1: Download and Build the code

Saga is made up of several projects that can be used stand-alone or together. For this tutorial, we'll be using the following projects to set up an instance of Saga and be able to start a new project:


Start by cloning each repository and building the projects in the previous order. From 1 to 10, you can build each of them by using the following command in each project:

...> mvn clean install

The eleventh package can be built via Node:

.../saga-server-ui> npm install

Step 2: Load a Mongo database

If you have any database to use with saga, just run the following command in the database folder to import it to Mongo:

.../database/directory> mongostore --db databaseName --drop .

Make sure Mongo is up and running before running the previous command, otherwise you will get a message of running and unknown command.

Step 3: Configuring the environment

Saga Server Parser configuration files are specified in the Configure Pipelines & Resource Providers section. If you change any of those files in the saga-server-parser/src/main/resources folder, you need to rebuild the project or transfer the files to the directory specified in the saga-server-parser/startup.bat.

For the UI, you need to check the file in config/env/development.js. The display name, "Saga" in following snippet, is the name the UI will show for the project, but what it is important is the uri attribute from db, this is the database that Saga will be using. In the snippet, the database in use will be "SagaDB", change it according to your preference. If you loaded a Mongo database in step 2, you must change "SagaDB" to the name of the database you loaded. If you want to start a new database, just choose a proper name and the UI will create the database.

solutions: [


display: 'Saga',
db: {

uri: process.env.MONGOHQ_URL || process.env.MONGOLAB_URI || 'mongodb://' + (process.env.DB_1_PORT_27017_TCP_ADDR || 'localhost') + '/SagaDB',
options: {

keepAlive: 10000,
reconnectTries: 10


//Database info for patter matching server switch
host: process.env.DB_1_PORT_27017_TCP_ADDR || 'localhost',
port: 27017,
name: 'SagaDB',

// Enable mongoose debug mode
debug: process.env.MONGODB_DEBUG || false


matcher: {

uri: 'http://localhost:8080/_saga'




Step 4: Starting Saga

Before starting Saga, make sure Mongo is up and running. Try to run:

...> mongo

If the command does not run, run the following command from the MongoDB/Server/3.6/bin:

.../MongoDB/Server/3.6/bin> mongod

Then, you will need to run the Saga Server Parser and the Saga Server UI. The first to be run is the Saga Server UI, since it will create the database if it doesn't exist. Go to the Saga Server UI directory and run the startup.bat from a console:

.../saga-server-ui> startup.bat

And then do the same for the Saga Server Parser:

.../saga-server-parser> startup.bat

If you didn't change the port, you should be able to access saga at http://localhost:8080/

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