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JSON Producer stage will as it's name suggest produces a JSON array representation of TEXT_BLOCK or SENTENCE items. Output can be filtered to only entities or to all tokens. Access to the produced output is done programatically (See below).

Operates On:  Every lexical Item in the graph.

Generic Configuration Parameters

  • boundaryFlags ( type=string array | optional ) - List of vertex flags that indicate the beginning and end of a text block.
    Tokens to process must be inside two vertices marked with this flag (e.g ["TEXT_BLOCK_SPLIT"])
  • skipFlags ( type=string array | optional ) - Flags to be skipped by this stage.
    Tokens marked with this flag will be ignored by this stage, and no processing will be performed.
  • requiredFlags ( type=string array | optional ) - Lex items flags required by every token to be processed.
    Tokens need to have all of the specified flags in order to be processed.
  • atLeastOneFlag ( type=string array | optional ) - Lex items flags needed by every token to be processed.
    Tokens will need at least one of the flags specified in this array.
  • confidenceAdjustment ( type=double | default=1 | required ) - Adjustment factor to apply to the confidence value of 0.0 to 2.0 from (Applies for every pattern match).
    • 0.0 to < 1.0  decreases confidence value
    • 1.0 confidence value remains the same
    • > 1.0 to  2.0 increases confidence value
  • debug ( type=boolean | default=false | optional ) - Enable all debug log functionality for the stage, if any.
  • enable ( type=boolean | default=true | optional ) - Indicates if the current stage should be consider for the Pipeline Manager
    • Only applies for automatic pipeline building

Configuration Parameters

  • name (string, required) - Unique name to identify the stage in the pipeline. It is used programatically to retrieve the stage and be able to consume the produced output.
  • onlyEntities (boolean, optional)

Example Configuration
  "type": "JsonProducerStage",
  "name": "JsonProducer",
  "boundaryFlags": [
  "onlyEntities": true,
  "queueTimeout": 10,
  "queueRetries": 1

Example Output


V--------------[abraham lincoln likes macaroni and cheese]--------------------V
              ^---{place}---^           ^----{food}----^         ^---{food}---^
^----------{person}---------^           ^-----------------{food}--------------^

Output Flags

Lex-Item Flags:

  • SEMANTIC_TAG - Identifies all lexical items which are semantic tags.
  • PROCESSED - Placed on all the tokens which composed the semantic tag.
  • ALL_LOWER_CASE - All of the characters in the token are lower-case characters.
  • ALL_UPPER_CASE - All of the characters in the token are upper-case characters (for example, acronyms).
  • TITLE_CASE - The first character is upper case, all of the other characters are lower case.
  • MIXED_CASE - Handles any mixed upper & lower case scenario not covered above.
  • TOKEN - All tokens produced are tagged as TOKEN
  • CHAR_CHANGE -  Identifies the vertex as a change between character formats
  • HAS_DIGIT - Tokens produced with at least one digit character are tagged as HAS_DIGIT 
  • HAS_PUNCTUATION - Tokens produced with at least one punctuation character are tagged as HAS_PUNCTUATION. (ALL_PUNCTUATION will not be tagged as HAS_PUNCTUATION)
  • LEMMATIZE- All words retrived will be marked as LEMMATIZE
  • NUMBER - Flagged on all tokens which are numbers according to the rules above.
  • TEXT_BLOCK - Flags all text blocks produced by the SimpleReader
  • SKIP - All matched stop words will be marked as SKIP
  • ORIGINAL - Identifies that the Lex-Items produced by this stage are the original, as written, representation of every token (e.g. before normalization)

Vertex Flags:

No vertex is created in this stage

  • ALL_PUNCTUATION - Identifies the vertex as all token
    • The default flag if no "splitFlag" is present.
  • <splitFlag> - Defines an alternative flag to ALL_PUNCTUATION, if desired (see above)
  • CHAR_CHANGE -  Identifies the vertex as a change between character formats
  • TEXT_BLOCK_SPLIT - Identifies the vertex as a split between text blocks.
  • OVERFLOW_SPLIT - Identifies that an entire buffer was read without finding a split between text blocks.
    • The current maximum size of a text block is 64K characters.
    • Text blocks larger than this will be arbitrarily split, and the vertex will be marked with "OVERFLOW_SPLIT"\
  • ALL_WHITESPACE - Identifies that the characters spanned by the vertex are all whitespace characters (spaces, tabs, new-lines, carriage returns, etc.)

Resource Data

Description of resource.

Resource Format

The only file which is absolutely required is the entity dictionary. It is a series of JSON records, typically indexed by entity ID.

Description of entity:
Entity JSON Format

Entity JSON Format
  "tags":["{city}", "{administrative-area}", "{geography}"],
    "Lincoln", "Lincoln, Nebraska", "Lincoln, NE"
  . . . additional fields as needed go here . . . 


  1. Multiple entities can have the same pattern.
    1. If the pattern is matched, then it will be tagged with multiple (ambiguous) entity IDs.
  2. Additional fielded data can be added to the record
    1. As needed by downstream processes.


  • id (required, string) - Identifies the entity by unique ID. This identifier must be unique across all entities (across all dictionaries).
    • Typically this is an identifier with meaning to the larger application which is using the Language Processing Toolkit.
  • tags (required, array of string) - The list of semantic tags which will be added to the interpretation graph whenever any of the patterns are matched.
    • These will all be added to the interpretation graph with the SEMANTIC_TAG flag.
    • Typically, multiple tags are hierarchical representations of the same intent. For example, {city} → {administrative-area} → {geographical-area}
  • patterns (required, array of string) - A list of patterns to match in the content.
    • Patterns will be tokenized and there may be multiple variations which can match.
      • NOTE:  Currenty, tokens are separated on simple white-space and punctuation, and then reduced to lowercase.
      • TODO:  This will need to be improved in the future, perhaps by specifying a pipeline to perform the tokenization and to allow for multiple variations.
  • confidence (optional, float) - Specifies the confidence level of the entity, independent of any patterns matched.
    • This is the confidence of the entity, in comparison to all of the other entities. Essentially, the likelihood that this entity will be randomly encountered.

Other, Optional Fields

  • display (optional, string) - What to show the user when browsing this entity.
  • context (optional, object) - A context vector which can help disambiguate this entity from others with the same pattern.
    • Format TBD, but probably a list of weighted words, phrases and tags.

  • No labels