The Push Updates API allows external systems to push update requests into an Aspire seed. Each request will have one or more documents, each with one of the following actions: add, update and delete. The seed will then start a new incremental crawl and only process the documents that were sent on the request.

All requests will be stacked in a separate queue called fifoQueue, and each request will be processed sequentially using "first-in, first-out" policy.

Ingest Push Updates

Ingests push updates to the queue. This endpoint needs the OPERATOR  role to be executed.

POST /aspire/_api/pushUpdates

Body Parameters


The seed Id 

documentsarrayRequiredArray with all documents that will be pushed.
documents.urlstringRequiredUrl or Id of the document.
documents.actionstringRequiredadd, update or delete.
documents.repItemTypestringOptionalItem type of the connector used for the seed. If not present Aspire will use its internal type for "pushed" documents
documents.metadataobjectOptionalAny extra metadata required by the content source to process the document.


    "seedId": "b6c3c23a-2e4d-415a-8499-afd23815a5ad",
    "documents": [
            "url": "file://C:tmp/test.txt",
            "action": "add",
            "repItemType": "FilesystemItemType@file",
            "metadata": {
                "displayUrl": "C:\\tmp\\test.txt",
                "fetchUrl": "file:///C:/tmp/test.txt",
                "connectorSpecific": {
                    "field": [
                            "@name": "bigBlb",
                            "$": "PePo"


    "url": "file://C:/tmp/test.txt",
    "pushQueueId": "f6c3c23a-2e4d-415a-8499-afd23815a599"

Status: 200

Check queue item status

Check queue item status. This endpoint needs the OPERATOR  role to be executed.

GET /aspire/_api/pushUpdates/:itemId

Path  Parameters

itemIdstringRequiredThe queue item id (see "pushQueueId" in the response field above)


Get queue item status

GET /aspire/_api/pushUpdates/f6c3c23a-2e4d-415a-8499-afd23815a599


  "pushQueueId": "f6c3c23a-2e4d-415a-8499-afd23815a599",
  "status": "A"

Status: 200, 404

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