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The security API provides the functionality for obtaining and refreshing the tokens needed for interacting with all Configuration API, Worker Node API and Manager Node API.

Security model

Aspire can be configured to restrict the REST APIs so that they only can be accessed through the use of authentication tokens. Any given user or Aspire node must posses a valid authentication token before executing any secured REST API.

Any user or Aspire node will be assigned with a role definition that specifies the level of access to the different REST endpoints, as some endpoints might be restricted to certain roles.

The current existing roles are:

  • Administrator
  • Operator
  • ManagerNode
  • WorkerNode

Each REST Endpoint have one of the following security roles associated with them:

  • Administrator
    • Only Administrator roles can access the endpoint
  • Operator
    • Both Operator and Administrator roles can access the endpoint
  • ManagerNode
    • Ony ManagerNode roles can access the endpoint
  • WorkerNode
    • Only WorkerNode roles can access the endpoint
  • PermitAll
    • Any roles can access the endpoint

Authentication Failure responses

The following are the possible failure status when calling a REST endpoint without logging in, or with insufficient permissions:

Response codeDescription


Either the security token was not provided or invalid



A valid token was provided, but the user does not have permissions for calling the given endpoint

Access Tokens

The access tokens are JWT tokens, signed with HS256 algorithm. These tokens are either auto-generated by the Aspire nodes, or requested via the /login endpoint.

An example of the JWT Payload generated for the jdoe user looks like this:

  "sub": "jdoe",
  "roles": [
  "exp": 1601410068,
  "iat": 1601409768

JWT Payload fields

substringIdentifier of user, containing username
$int_rolesarray_stringArray of roles associated with given user
explongUnix epoch representing when the current JWT token will expire
iatlongUnix epoch representing the time of creation of the JWT token

Refresh Tokens

Refresh tokens are used to obtain a new valid Access Token when the one previously generated is expired. The refresh tokens also expires, but they usually are configured to live longer than their access token counterpart.

The Aspire refresh tokens are just other JWT tokens generated with longer expiration time. Look at the /login/refresh endpoint for details on how to use them to obtain a new Access Token.

Login Endpoint

POST /aspire/_api/login


Request Body Parameters

usernamestringRequiredUsername to authenticate with
passwordstringRequiredPassword to authenticate with


POST /aspire/_api/login
  "username": "<username-provided-by-user>",
  "password": "<password-provided-by-user>"


Response Body Fields

accessTokenstringJWT access token
refreshTokenstringJWT refresh token
tokenTypestringToken type, always "bearer"
expiresInlongExpiration time in seconds for the access token


    "accessToken": "eyJhb...",
    "refreshToken": "eyJhb...",
    "tokenType": "bearer",
    "expiresIn": 300

In case no authentication is configured, the following response will be returned

    "message": "No authentication is configured"


Response codeDescription
401Unauthorized, login failed

Refresh Endpoint

POST /aspire/_api/login/refresh


Request Body Parameters

refreshTokenstringRequiredRefresh token to use for refresh


POST /aspire/_api/login/refresh
  "refreshToken": "eyJhb..."


Response Body Fields

accessTokenstringJWT access token
refreshTokenstringJWT refresh token
tokenTypestringToken type, always "bearer"
expiresInlongExpiration time in seconds for the access token


    "accessToken": "eyJhb...",
    "refreshToken": "eyJhb...",
    "tokenType": "bearer",
    "expiresIn": 300


Response codeDescription


Refresh failed, can be caused by:

  • Invalid refresh token
  • Expired refresh token
  • Already used refresh token
  • No labels