The Publish to FS4SP application sends FAST Documents to the FS4SP Content Distributor with metadata and content of files extracted by Aspire connectors. The push to the FS4SP index can be customized by editing the Properties Mapping File provided by the user.

Application Configuration

Fast Serverstring
Fast Server address in the form: hostname:port
Fast Collectionstring
Fast Collection Name to post the feeds to.
Keystore Locationstring
Path where the java keystore to communicate with the content distributor is located.
Keystore Passwordpassword
Java keystore password.
Max Batch Sizeinteger10Maximum batch size per document to post to fast.
Max Batch Timelong60000Maximum batch time out in milliseconds.
Properties Mapping Filestring
A file that holds a mapping between AspireObject properties and Fast Properties to be pushed to FAST.


The output of the component will be a FAST Document that will be sent through the content distributor of the FS4SP Server.

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